
You guys, THIS is the photo of Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy. It's a real gem.

Prince or no, that is a good looking man. (Also, PRINCE.)

I can't believe I actually laughed at this but I did.

Fun fact: Most people on the internet don't get bent out of shape fact checking a pun.

I would have gone with Parks & Procreation, myself.

Reads terrible reviews... immediately messages best girlfriends, "Let's get drunk at the mall and go see The Big Wedding!"

Aw, and now they're somebody's racist grandparents!

Because people trust what women say less than they trust what an anonymous cretin on the internet says.


This is the greatest Jezebel graphic of all time.

Yeah, Jennifer Lawrence's hair looks great. I might have to take that picture to my stylist...

Kelly Rowland has great arms! Looks like she knows her way around a weight room.

Never more appropriate

Oh man, men's t-shirts are the best. Actual sleeves, not super clingy, and soft without being transparent. I bet they're cheaper too, but I wouldn't know since I always just steal my (ex)boyfriends'.

I have a similar one in hot pink!

$140 at Anthropologie

"This is going on your permanent record!"

Yeah, the proportions are way off.

It really was a great "you're not falling for his shit and neither are we" kind of response. Bravo.

Well lookey at that!