
I think he started writing a bunch of messages for each of the different scenarios ("wildlings at the Fist but we turned them back" / "wildlings forcing us to regroup" / "oh shit OTHERS") but then he never actually attaches any to the ravens before the ravens fly off

Yup, ex is obviously self-deluded.

It's implied that he's about to rape Osha in season / book 1 before Maester Luwin walks in.

My own mother just started doing this in the last couple years.


This is satire, right?

Liberals "want women to do the washing."

Oh my tiny Eames chair... <3

I wouldn't even trust my best friend to know which hair products I would want to bring on a beach trip, or which shoes would work best for which outfits without giving me blisters.

Don't act like you don't love stealing shit too, Ygritte!

Maybe that makes her a wildling. A reckless, kissed-by-fire wildling woman.

Yeah, it looks like men are actually focused on wanking.

Haha, me either and I gotta say, it's pretty satisfying.

What does baking ability have to do with being a good wife?

I hit "Submit" and then immediately thought, "Whoa, maybe that was a little cynical / paranoid?" Let's hope so. :-/

Because if you're going throw most of the populace under a bus called "free market" - allowing corporations and their executives to rake in untold wealth at the expense of their workers - it's much easier to stay in power and screw over your electorate if they're too busy raising families they can't afford, lacking

Right? Like, I can't even argue with any of that. Except instead of concluding that we should - what, exactly? do away with the pill?? I would conclude that these men he speaks of should probably pull their head out of their ass, stop looking for their mothers, and get with the program. Yeesh.

Well yes, they're particularly hard to silence when they're being elected to office.

She always looks well-dressed and self-possessed.

All I want in this world is Christina Hendricks' hair.