
January Jones' dress just made me burst out, "Gaawwwwd, that's TERRIBLE." And it is. Truly terrible.

I don't think she's showing her gray deliberately. I'm pretty sure coloring your hair is one of those things you're just not supposed to do when you're pregnant.

Fine, then she could have just keyed a giant car onto his penis.

Atheist high five!! I'd say that your epiphany totally demonstrates intellectual and emotional maturity. :)

So what was it that "reformed" your Republican ways?

Your friend is right, nobody owns her vote because she's a woman. She can have a uterus and still believe that the moral utility of small government is greater than the moral utility of reproductive rights.

See, little lady, the economy is like your grocery budget. And the liberals want to spend it on buying beer for vagrants so you can't feed your precious babies. Because they hate babies.

Let's go with "both".

Jezebel's gossip roundup is posted twice a day, and always tagged "Dirt Bag". Because it's a grab bag of garbage celebrity rumors.

Hm, pretty sure Kelly Oxford made this joke already:

I want to cry and throw up and RAGE.

But now there's a possibility of a Lisa Frank vs. Grunge matchup. Which I would dearly love to see.

Haha, true. This reminds me why I moved out of the country ;)

Or maybe you did... Who am I to judge?! Buttholes are part of our bodies too. Why should we be embarrased by our natural butthole odors? For too long, people have been made to feel ashamed about their buttholes. :(

But your family probably never went so far as to wipe your buttholes on a towel to see who has the best smelling one.

I don't have a horse in the TSwift race, but I do think this:

Being a songwriter is the way to go. All the moneyz, none of the dramz.

I would totally watch this.