
Can we make this a poster?

It's just so aggravating because I can see the execs at Samsung going "But how are we supposed to market to women? I guess it's true, nobody understands women!"

Hey tech companies, "Women" is not a valid demographic to market to. Your "Women" demographic doesn't use your product differently than your "Men" demo.

Right, because Apple doesn't market their products to Women as some singular, separate demographic. From what I've seen of Apple's marketing, they seem to break their demos into groups like "parents" and "young folks". Which is much more meaningful to their consumers. Because women don't use technology differently

Halle Berry has also said (on Oprah, many years ago) that she sleeps in a bra every night. This is a woman who has a high tolerance for discomfort.

I did the same thing. "Oh, his daughter is lovely!"

You can pry my gluten out of my cold, dead, bloated fingers.


And we laughed and laughed!

But if Jon and Danny and their dragons can destroy the white walkers once and for all, the Night's Watch can be released from their oaths.

WHAT??!! (Is what I just whisper screamed, out loud, at my desk)

You had me at "accidentally get muscles" <3

Ick. Good for you!

DeSando's last name mysteriously switched to "John."

It's a reference to reference to Steven King's book "Thinner" not to Hitler.

omg noooo, ur hair looks so good!! love ur hat <3

Right? Also, maybe the problem isn't Facebook, maybe the problem is that they're friends with idiots.

Haha, I see what you did there.

I just tell myself that in a world where summers can last nine years the passage of time is different, and that being 13 or whatever in Westeros doesn't line up to what we think of as 13.

It's a gossip post, lighten up. How much respect do you want for reading a blog post about Kim Kardashian?