My hair got a lot less poofy when I dropped to washing it only once every 4-6 days and using a dry shampoo in the meantime...
My hair got a lot less poofy when I dropped to washing it only once every 4-6 days and using a dry shampoo in the meantime...
Viva la revolucion!!
Okay, so I'm confused about something...
Oh man, I forgot Sealab 2021 existed. That was such a funny show.
I go days without pooping, Always have. So just waiting until I get home and have privacy and reading material is not really an issue.
You, my friend, are a champ.
You're right! It's so distinctive.
Neither does Mr. Schwyzer.
Why does Rihanna have a sweatshirt tied around her waist? Did she get a surprise period?
Or as an ideal for good makeup. She looks totally washed out in the picture!
This is exactly how I imagine what happened.
Nina Garcia has beautiful shoulders, strapless is a good look on her.
There's an asylum in Athens that burned down, resulting in a cemetery full of unmarked graves.
I hope my coworkers don't think it's weird that I'm crying under my desk.
This is a great point. Good men - this is how the patriarchy hurts YOU. Because women are always expected to have their guard up and act as if every man is a potential assailant.
Bring it!
The hand thing I think is the extension of creative directors obvious discomfort with how skin folds up.
Huh? Isn't that how morality works? I don't murder people because I know that 1) people don't like to be murdered and 2) it really bums out the murdered persons loved ones.
If your child's photo was in that seedy underbelly, you might change your mind. Who knows, maybe it is! Is your child a prepubescent girl?