
Ding, ding, and motherfucking ding.

Ha, me too. The YouTube search "dogs in shoes" will heal what ails ya.

Haha, I also loved that headline.

Elizabeth Moss's new do does look great on her though.

When did heavy-handed selling to your friends, family, and coworker so that you can take their money and become rich yourself become an acceptable practice? It's your loved ones jobs to emotionally support your dreams, not financially support them.

Oh god. Buying a vibrator from a coworker.

The morning after pill has to be taken within 3 days, and a pregnancy test won't show anything for about 2 weeks. If you're pregnancy test is positive, a morning after pill isn't going to do jack shit for you.

Know what sucks? The realization that, thanks to decisions you made when you were 17, you will have to pay, like $400 a month in student loans until you hit menopause...

Stars, they're just like us!

There should be some sort of NSFEyes warning before I innocently scroll down and am assaulted with a photo of Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchinson.

Haha, I had the same whisper-scream reaction.

Good thing there's never been an overweight, drug addicted, Republican smoker. Otherwise somebody could be getting their feelings hurt.

a poll /= a study

I'm kind of glad that the GOP's pandering in the last election was so obvious that they can't even bring on a qualified woman VP candidate FOUR YEARS later.

This was clearly written at lunchtime, after a morning spent rummaging around the office for kinkspiration. Rejected options: "Hold a blueberry muffin in your fist and punch him in the mouth." "Pretend to be a naughty piece of printer paper and tell him to 'staple' you." "Act like a PDF and order him to 'fax me hard.'

I'm going to start taking first class flights to nowhere.

Connor: "Hey TayTay, how was your Late Night interview? Mom wouldn't let me stay up and watch."

It says "send a photo" but not of what. I'm thinking goatse...

Taylor Swift is "head over heels" for Conor Kennedy, who is four years younger and will be a senior in high school this fall.

Thanks for fighting the good fight, Erin. Can we all group internet hug now? :(