He has much knowledge. We shall form a cult around him. Build a statue many stories high. We shall grow our hair long and stop bathing.
He has much knowledge. We shall form a cult around him. Build a statue many stories high. We shall grow our hair long and stop bathing.
Ding, ding! We have a winner!
Imaginary Pablo on cleaning:
That's where you lose your suggestion box privileges and I start flipping you the double bird while making "Whoop whoop whoop" Zoidberg noises as I flounce out of the room.
Charity Shea, I don't know why you're famous but you look fantastic.
I don't really care that these people decided to go skinny-dipping (it's fun, everyone should try it, nakedness is not shameful, etc.) but personally I would never EVER elect to be naked with a bunch of my coworkers on a work trip.
Jeez, that's awful.
I just need her to tell me where she got those glasses.
Uggghhh. Well, the happy ending is that the store manager had the good sense to send his entitled ass packing.
And not to mention the how people are socialized to respond to women who are confident, demanding, or aggressive.
Although I would read a book titled, What The Hell Is That On Adam Duritz's Head?
Oh, me too. So people actually say "simpatico"? This is the only time I've seen it used outside of that scene from Bad Teacher.
In the age of Google, even elementary school kids can look at pornography, read erotic fiction, access sex guides, and read this very article and comments.
Ha, that's a good theory. Makes sense, they've probably never had any training on how to do it.
I never noticed how pretty she was, the short hair definitely suits her.
Eh, give it a few months and let the beauty industry figure out special eyelash removal products and we would all be yanking our eyelashes out and talking about how much better it is now that we're not getting eyelashes in our eyeballs anymore.
This is a great comment. Just because a guy won't turn down available sex with because of some perceived flaw doesn't mean he isn't thinking about it or talking about it.
I doubt it's the authors responsibility to read over each other's posts and avoid overlap. But who's steering this ship? Shouldn't the editor have caught this? It's pretty blatant.
That Congress of Aboriginal Peoples sounds like a bunch of class acts.