
And since you're jumping to the conclusion that men "overrate their own sexual irresistibility and depreciate everything else they might have to offer", I'm going to jump to my own conclusion and say that the issue is probably closer to something you say at the end of the article:

I think there's a logical jump in here. In paragraph two, you paraphrase the study saying, "Bleske-Rechek and her team of researchers found that men are much more likely to be sexually attracted to their female friends than vice-versa."

Wow, good for you! I hope they catch the bastard.


When a person acts out by his life actions that lie about the truth of the Bible, God gets very upset.

Oops, and now it looks like somebody bought him tens of thousands of Twitter followers!

*takes sip of water*

That sounds so plausible and so, so rage inducing. "Oh, she used to have a life of her own. Then I moved her out to LA, knocked her up, and left her in charge of running our household and raising our children while I 'worked late' (the alibi I used while I banged her younger co-stars). But yooouuu get me!"

Haha, no kidding! I almost asked her the same. Unfortunately, she works in a pretty esoteric field of banking.

Before I get a bunch of (deserved) flack for talking smack on an entire state let me just say: that^ is hyperbole. But seriously, if an enormous amount of money can't lure educated, prosperous tax payers to your state then you have an image problem and I can't imagine shit like this is helping.

My mom got a job offer recently for 3x her salary but would have required a move to Detroit, so she turned it down.

I'm positive she's a Jezebel reader!

Sidenote: internet high-fives to us for our Natalie Dee avatars!

Haha, thanks. "Sounds like a personal problem" is a longtime favorite of icallmommigans.

I got the same talking to at 15, was completely mortified, and then 10 years later remembered the conversation and was like FUCK. THAT.

Yeah, I don't really have a problem with vagina. That being said, the argument for "vulva" makes me get a bit eye-rolly.

No one was talking about YOU finding her attractive.

Yeah, exactly. Oh, it's got an entire day's worth of sodium, no nutritional value to speak of, and all kinds of chemical additives BUT it's under 400 calories - healthy!

I'm a lot less worried about cow stomachs and wood chips than I am about growth hormones and other synthetic additives.

Oh, I'm 100% with you. You're preaching to the similarly exasperated choir.