
I guess that's the commenters' job now.

I'm not though, which is why I clarified "if a man that I'm friends with *becomes* interested in dating me".

I was responding specifically to MojiMoji's point that if a man that I'm friends with becomes interested in dating me, he should JUST ASK ME ON A DATE. If chooses instead to hide it from me for great lengths of time while he bides his time for the right opportunity, it seems disingenuous. Flip the gender roles and I

If it were as easy as calling the police, do you think that many men would be getting away with being dead beats?

If what you really want is a date (or even just a fuck) and you don't make the appropriate moves (i.e. asking me directly) within the first month of so of my meeting you, you're wasting my time.

Wow, I never thought of it like that! I better break up with my boyfriend and go date every male I've ever been friends with.

Or maybe it's all part of the same picture. Senseless violence, innocent deaths.

I love the ad but that perfume sounds gross.

Well, you know what to do - get to cutting a crotch hole in your finest sweats!

That information wasn't included in this article but it certainly adds to the criticism of these journalists' hero status.

To be clear, I don't think I'm "overreacting" at all. I'm not attempting to defend the onlookers who filmed the attack, I'm just curious why the discussion seems to be centered on the responsibility of the onlookers who were filming, as if it were greater than the responsibility of the other onlookers who weren't

The girl was assaulted by "by over a dozen gleeful men in front of many more". And we (the commentariat) are going to discuss how the journalist and camera man should have stopped it - the only people among dozens who did anything to bring some justice to the girl?

And let's not forget the whole, lovely "daddy issues" stigma awarded to women who had the gall to not work harder as a child to keep their low-life father around. If she has relationship struggles as an adult, it's probably just because she's permanently marred by daddy issues!

~modest bow~

I'm probably not going to stop wearing makeup, so - is there somewhere that I can buy beauty products that are less likely to hasten my death? Whole Foods? Origins? Out of the back of a Volvo station wagon at the Bonnaroo campgrounds from some girl with dreads named Sky?

The great thing is, every option is acceptable.

Please demonstrate this "FALCON PUNCH" for me. It sounds most useful.

Improper use of the Fantasy Suite. Replay first down.

I think we should all pick a day to go to our nearest CPC for one of those free ultrasounds. "Oh, I'm not pregnant? You don't say... Welp, see you later!"

Allison DeMarcus's dress looks like something fat Betty would wear.