next time i'll be deadly serious next time

Not in my experience (on the Wii U). The worst frame rate issues seem to occur in the villages/towns, and near a couple of the towers if there’s a lot of enemies nearby.

What do you do?

So much this. Something that weirdly helps me be okay with the fact that she lost, though, is thinking what a nightmare we’d be going through right now if she had won. Not because of her, no - I think she would have made a fantastic President. But imagine if HRC had won the presidency but the GOP still retained

You just put into words what I’ve been thinking/feeling all week long.

So you and your wife went to Disney World for a week....without kids?

Guatemala and parts of Mexico are also very cheap (and beautiful) for US tourists.

I’m glad The Americans isn’t on this list, because everyone needs to watch it and it truly is the best TV show of the year in my book, but I’m also sad, because the writers probably don’t even know about it (or forgot about it) to even include it. It’s so underrated and underwatched, but brilliantly subtle and

“Deadline’s Michael Cieply points out that unless something drastic happens in the last gasps of this terrible year, Finding Dory –a movie about a talking fish – made $486 million in domestic sales, topping the box office charts for the year.”

Ugh @ the sentence structure here.

Absolutely. Thank you for sharing. god. Those two responses enraged me more than anything I’ve read on Kinja all week.

Tea Partiers didn’t just “grumble” on Facebook, they gained six Senate seats, six Gubernatorial seats, and something like SIXTY seats in the House in 2010. Vile as they are, the GOP knows how to win elections. Something I can’t see us doing in 2018...

Why yes, I should just disown my partner’s only living relatives! Do you have a constructive solution? We challenge her on both her “crazy/fake news” beliefs as well as her racist ones. So....I think maybe you were just being an asshole?

Well rural white people need more special attention, so....let’s just give up on this civil/human rights thing for a few years

Same. Throw in the effect of conservatives sharing “dank memes” about snowflake liberals or Hillary’s breathing machine/alien spit/omg whatever and I basically want to blame Zuckerberg for the entire thing.

I hope so. My MIL, a usually reasonable (albeit somewhat racist) person, was over Thanksgiving weekend telling us how she had heard that Obama had Scalia murdered and also that Bill & Hillary are part of some pedophile island sex ring. I mean....the mind boggles.

Not to get all tinfoil hat-y, but you can pretty much blame a good chunk of this election result on Facebook and the spread of fake news. People spot “news” that agrees with their own beliefs and biases and immediately accept it as legitimate. Angry, old white people seem incapable of spotting fake news.

My city (small, less than 100,000 people, but relatively high COL) just passed a proposition to raise minimum wage to $15/hr by 2021. I voted for it, because I think minimum wage has been too low for too long. However, I wrestled with it internally because the state minimum wage is also going up, and our City prop

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Just from reading the newest article on Gizmodo about Assange (where he swearsies that he didn’t try to influence the election), most commentators are like “GDIAF dude.”

Sorry. This whole week has put me on the defensive.

She has a green card, you cretin. She has always, since we emigrated from the UK, been a lawful permanent resident, just not a US citizen.