Mischief Makers or GTFO
Mischief Makers or GTFO
Don’t forget the flat-out unbearable synth-voice narrated vids!
I think what was a major gamechanger for me was realizing that coming right out of school, I have next to no skills. All I have is textbook knowledge and no experience on how to apply it. If you can find a co-op program that relates to your field of study while you’re in school, absolutely try to do it. Good grades…
Ketchup belongs on nothing
We’ve been a one-car family since the beginning. What makes it possible is that we both take public transportation to work (or at least we did in the Before Times, in the Long Long Ago), and the kids walk or take a bus to school. Every few years a situation arises where we both need the car at the same time, and my…
I sure hope the people who chose to ignore CDC social distancing guidelines will now voluntarily choose to follow CDC recommendations to self-quarantine.
My God, the comments here. We truly live in the dumbest time in history.
So... the news reports of people dying around the globe of COVID are a liberal conspiracy, but the (checks notes) Internet postings about “millions” starving to death are believable?
That you wrote this comment in April of 2020 is truly bizarre
I’m too lazy to look it up, but I’d bet Fire Emblem sells better than some more famous franchises like Metroid. My guess is it’s Mario Kart, Smash, Pokémon, Mario, Zelda in some order for the top 5, and Fire Emblem is the next most popular franchise for them. It’s not like they’re loading up on Ice Climbers characters.
I’m also saving thousands of dollars on diapers by not having kids. Can’t recommend it enough.
His comment: “Ohh, I don’t like beer”.
So, for starters, you described being closeted as a position of luck and privilege. Which, I think, really helps illustrate my point, so thank you for that, I guess?
I could waste my time trying to explain what’s so wrong about this, but I know from my experience here on Jezebel that disingenuously policing the gayness of others is your entire odious schtick and that there’s no point in anyone trying to convince you otherwise.
It’s convenient to fob off responsibility over the response to this article on “clueless straight allies,” but I don’t think that’s the issue here at all. This is a generational thing within the queer community itself.
Rich, you are the kind of gay man who makes everyone else in this community feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. The lesbians, the late bloomers, the trans people, anyone who isn’t a white gay man who came out at 18 and immediately fucked off to a big expensive city.
Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?
Alternate headline: “How to Polish a Turd”
Man, can you be any more of a simpleton?