
Giuliana is a person of color. And that color is often orange.

My husband's friend asked my 5 year old son if he had a girlfriend. He said "no, I have a boyfriend."

Oh god, I used to live in a community/area of people that LITERALLY used to call their kids sexy. As in "Look at little Wayne! Sexy baby! Come here for a kiss, Sexy!"

To be fair, when I turned to flash my death glare, the mom was obviously mortified, and was really clear the kid was mimicking the behavior of an unfortunate father figure. He was like, "Damn slim, I'm feelin' dat ass..." and I had no choice but to just to walk away because his mom was instantly very apologetic to me

That is multiple kinds of wrong.

Are we gonna talk about the bit where Kanye approved of Tyga "getting in early" with Kylie?

A woman I used to work with would tell me that her toddler daughter was sexy. I was like, "uh, no. I've seen her, she is cute as a button, but if you think sexy is EVER the proper way to describe a) your daughter and b) ANY CHILD, we need to never speak again."

Yep. One of my friend's kids has repeatedly told my husband that he is "hot" and when she grows up she is "going to marry him", while simultaneously sending me a death stare. She is four and a half.

Our daughter (who is now 5) has dudes saying shit to us like "You better invest in a baseball bat now, heh heh!" and "She's going to be a heartbreaker!" and stuff like that. Like, from the time she was a BABY! Fucking gross. I get they're being complimentary but... gross.

Wait when the hell did the SAT start being scored up to 2100????? What happened to 1600??? How old am I???!!!

GROSSSSSS. I hate when parents call their son a "Ladies man" and shit like that. He is not a ladies man, he is a fucking baby and stop trying to make people think of your baby romantically you fucking weirdos. Or even worse when people say their baby is "flirting with you." Ummm no he's not, he probably just has to

It is creepy and gross and weird. I have a friend with a 6 month old who posted something about her son being her valentines day date and watch out ladies and blah blah blah. Unfollowed immediately.

Yeah, I'll just get in ahead of all this and note that Precious simply isn't especially a good movie, but Monique is pretty good in it.

are you a big time molly dealer? Have you dated any one in ISIS? Are you in ISIS? Are you an international art thief? Are you the best singer on your psych ward?

What'd she order, Fish Filet?

You know who has really great skin? Beck.

I'm more sad about Megan's outfit. It looks like it was made from my Gram's curtains.

Poor Peggy. Her dress looks great, though!

Whether you like it or not, it's certainly more intimate than the gesture her husband went with.

what the fuck is with old white men not understanding personal space?