
Why is there an article dedicated to one girls suicide? Thousands of people commit suicide every year. What is so unique about this one? A girl has sex with multiple boys, someone films it, she is harassed at school, and kills herself. We have heard it all before.

Empathy..ask your Doctor if it's right for you!

I was a little snarky about Tyler Perry's role in this because it seemed kind of strange to include in media reports, but man, he must be a patient, cool, together dude to be the peacekeeper in this.

I thought she was supposedly doing better? I think it would be horridly morbid to plan her death for that date. Can't she even have her death be hers alone?

I can't articulate why, but I find that incredibly gross. She's not her mom. Trying to fold her tragedy into her mother's strikes me as very... disrespectful.

Kim, I generally find you boring, but that is some good posing.

Wait, did Kim just cut her hair like that? Because I just cut my hair like that and I feel like she's copying me. Not cool, Kim, we've had this discussion.

My husband drums on every available surface and whistles with enthusiasm, but little talent. Does this count?

I must say that Kim's sequin robe looks a lot better in the sitting position. The shoulder pads are totally channeling Hawn's character in Overboard which makes me almost like this, but for loungewear never award show garb.

Can't lie, for a second I thought she meant North performed at the Grammys and I had feelings about that.

Laura, a man on the street once referred to me as both J-Lo and Beyonce within a 2 min window. I am a fat white lady. That dude was just being creepy.

I feel like Kim is my friend because I played her video game so much.

I am an Old and a newlywed. Would someone please explain wtf wifelife is supposed to mean? Does this mean +2 rings on left hand? Perennial argument partner? Official Sufferer of Spousal Snoring?

Please do not Google Image that shit either, I cannot be responsible for your therapy bills

Good on you. Also, wow, his Mom sounds like an entitled ass.

I always wonder why people are so weird.

Should I talk about the time my mother accidentally burnt a restaurant down?

why you gotta do this, yeezy? beck is great yo. morning phase was boring but MIDNIGHT VULTURESSSS

Same. I kept wanting to call mummy and tell her how proud I was not to see her buns on national tv.

If one more person on Twitter credits this song to CCR... it's Screamin' Jay Hawkins people. Come on!