Watching this made me wonder if a everybody at my old company secretly had giant crushes on me.
Watching this made me wonder if a everybody at my old company secretly had giant crushes on me.
I think it just struck me because it was so specific. Not just an invitation to dinner, but a specific dinner at a specific restaurant.
We should just name those gifs...
I worked in an office with a guy who was incredibly good looking and also very charming. We had an admin who would freeze up every time he walked by and could barely breath. One day he stopped by her desk to say "Happy Administrative Assistant Day" and the only thing that came out of her mouth sounded like something…
The creeps are basically some of my coworkers, except they're not hitting on me. They're just terrible at social boundaries. The girl's face at 1:25 is my face all the time.
as a Claudia Kishi fan
omg, i am happy this is happening. Coach totally threw off the dynamic. There were just too many characters all of a sudden, too many plotlines and frankly, not enough Winston who is my fave character on the show. Lamorne Morris is amazing. Also, whatever happened to ferguson the cat? He seems to have disappeared?!
Ok, people have been telling me for months to watch this show and I just kept finding excuses to watch other things but between the naked dancing to Lady Gaga a couple weeks ago and the one girl putting her phone down to twerk in happiness for her friend about to peg some hot piece, I am officially starting this show…
I'm upset that they made Jeremy into an unlikable character. I had fun living vicariously through Abbi since we're both very similar personality wise.
Somebody please help me find that bra Abbi's wearing when she gets in the argument with Jeremy about who's being mature? The black floral satiny lace one?
At first I struggled with that because I do not smoke either, but then I just let it wash over me and was like "wow this is pretty funny regardless" and then I saw them live and they KILLED IT. Give it another shot!
Kim Gordon hyperlink takes you to Heidi Montag article on US magazine.
I didn't understand why there was more topless women than anything all that titilating with the dudes. Like, I get that boobs are cool and all. But srsly, what the fuck. I can't even go into a movie entirely marketed towards women/gay men without seeing naked boobs?
I mean, I knew Channing Tatum is a meathead, but he's welding directly on a wooded bench?
These movies always remind me of my friend's bachelorette party coincided with my birthday. When her sister found out, she bought me an on stage lap dance in front of everyone. I know, some ladies lap this attention up and get really into it (and honestly good for them!). But I'll be honest. The guy handed me a towel…
Who's up for a girl's night out trip to go see this movie? There will be dinner, wine, and controlled screaming in the movie theater, followed up with dessert and coffee somewhere decadent.
She really does seem to have thin skin, if you look at her songs. She's written songs about:
I'm a man and I fall firmly on the side of Team Dick Melter. A pedophile making unauthorized recordings of a teenager, you guys? Sick fucker deserves whatever punishment said teenager can think of.