
Can we talk about the fact that a show featuring a panel of women with a male anchor is called Outnumbered? Because fuck that.

That smile is used to best effect as Jacob, tho

Marshawn Lynch was given a free XBox for participating in a Katy Perry hype video and gave it to his foundation!

Why do you think you would get blasted for pointing that out? I think it's a pretty common feminist complaint that, as a result of patriarchal gender roles, our culture either doesn't think men can be victims, or thinks it's funny if they are.

Tom Brady got a free Chevy for being MVP. Tom Brady can afford a Chevy. What Chevy & the NFL need to do, and maybe Tom will, is donate an automobile to women's shelters that need vehicles for picking up women & their children in life or death situations. Or for supply runs for the shelters. That would go a lot further

I found this ad worse than useless. What was the message, exactly? "Domestic violence is scary, and. . .exists" Nothing about how to recognize when someone may be in a dangerous relationship, or what to do about it, or how to promote a culture where it's not say, acceptable for football players to commit it with no

The other bad girls–bad women–are the ones who like to be naughty, might go out and play and get hurt and then, you know...

Only took two minutes for someone to pop in with "BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ".

And men can be naughty and get raped too. You can feel free to replace "woman" with "anyone" in my original comment if it makes you feel better.

Saying that woman who likes to go out and have sex (which is what I assume she means when she says "be naughty") in any way deserve to be raped is as stupid as saying that anyone who likes to go shopping and spend a lot of money deserves to be robbed.

How would Mitt Romney be President and a grandfather at the same time?

Why do I get the feeling that it could've easily ended up like this:

That's why it's always a good idea to read before we comment/correct/chastise!

What in the Colonel Sanders happened to Ryan's face?

I really want there to be like some national ice-bucket-challenge type trend of women in actual "regular folks" states standing up and showing huckabee just how wrong he is. Like take a video of yourself with a cigar/ette, some whiskey, just hanging out in your shortest skirt and just shout FUCKABEE at the camera. Can

Not to mention the whole "grits and gravy" bullshit - yeah, like these Alfalfa Alpha males would ever be cool with their wives happily downing a plateful of the stuff: "You gotta watch your girlish figure, 'cause those new secretaries down at the plant are sure lookin' pretty."

I'm thinking the former and she is preparing the way for a tell all book and born again feminist lecture career.

This isn't anything new. Megyn Kelly has always been very aware and vocal about the discrimination she personally experiences, she just hasn't yet demonstrated the ability to expand that awareness to other people who experience other forms of discrimination. For example, a few years back, she smacked down a man who

Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.

What is he getting "mixed up" in? He played really well and thanked his coach, a woman, and responded to people who had doubted his choice in coach. End of story.