
If you get divorced from yourself do you lose half of your stuff?

1) DYING. This is brilliant.

Don't worry, you are not weirder than those people who masturbate to velociraptor erotica.

Yeah, my first thought was "THIS WAS MY CHILDHOOD TOO YOU BASTARDS!"

Can the movie poster please also feature the cast walking arm-in-arm, laughing while all looking in different directions?

¥ Ghostbusters reboot cast(main characters) is entirely female. If that doesn't shut radical feminists up i don't know what else will. ¥

You can't expect men to be upset and spell correctly. It's a lot to ask.

The more I think about a gender swapped Sex and the City, the more I am intrigued. I'm just picturing a dude obsessed with shoes and his tumultuous relationship with a powerful, wealthy, commitment-phobe lady in a power suit.

An all male Sex and the City sounds totally rad! You should totally pitch that to Hollywood, the tag line could be 'putting the man back in mani pedi!

yes please

This is the most brilliant thing I've read all year.

I am sure many women find Lark Croft to be a very empowering figure yes thank you you are good at words.

OH GOD. To this day ( i am 31) if I wear anything that shows a hint of cleavage my mom will make an exaggerated fake "shocked" face and look pointedly at my boobs. I'm a 36 C and have bigger boobs than both my sisters, and for a long time I was jealous that I didn't have cuter, smaller boobs.

Related? No. Same person? Yes...

Are we related??? My mom did the same thing! Also, when I first began to develop booblets (like boobs, but tinier), she would poke my nips if she could see a hint of them through the shirt and tell me that I was being slutty. At age 11. In front of people. I wanted to die.

My mother is a horror show but I invited her dress shopping because she was in town for the weekend and I figured it was just a day…what could go wrong. Anyway, it wasn't too bad until we got to a dress she loved and I was "meh." Then they brought out another dress and it was "THE ONE". I loved it. It loved me.

I sent my measurements to a seamstress in a far-away country and tried on my dress in secret when it arrived. My mother got to see a photo of a similar dress on the seamstress' Etsy page and that's ALL. Her only remark was "Three hundred dollars? EESH, that's a bit pricey." LMFAO

I was the worst/best bride ever. I ordered my supremely boring dress from the $99 David's bridal Sale, had it shipped to my office, tried it on in the accessible stall at work, modeled it (complete with black trouser socks and a shitty ponytail) to a handful of co-workers who got more emotional than me, put it back in