

I found this today and I am psyched I have a reason to use it!

OK...none of it is acceptable (says the so-white-she's-transparent blonde), but Jesus Harrison Christ on a Cracker, this is Rashida Fucking Jones. She's been famous for years. Her father is Quincy Jones. Her mother is Peggy Lipton. The source of her melanin is pretty well-documented.

I love Rashida and she is gorgeous— but she has needed a better stylist for aaaaages.

I'm a black woman and I remember a guest asking me if I was born in Africa because my skin was so dark. I told them I just had gotten back from spending seven days in the Florida sun.

*approaches suavely* "Why hello there, cupcake. I couldn't help noticing that you're not paper-white. Mind if I ask why?"

Same. I get the "you are SO tan what is your secret?" "Being birthed from a brown lady" is usually my response.

"But I wanna say that my wife has dated broke black dudes. It got nothing to do with the money."

Dude just needs to play the Sims.

My cousin dis this when we were in high school. This was before myspace and facebook. We attended the same school so she'd do stuff like tell people that me and her were related, which we are, but she'd do a lot of stuff like talk shit about someone or be involved in less than honorable dealings and then tell people

There's a woman I work with that does this. She's in three internet relationships with different men. I was so confused when she told me about it. But she said it's an escape for her; she's bored in her marriage and she has two children with special needs. I get that she needs an escape from a stressful life, but this

I'd say replicating a group of friends social media accounts for years is a mega shit ton weirder than snagging a pic for a fake tinder account. I'd say those things are miles apart on the weird scale.

When Lilo photoshops her photos, Jez makes fun of her. When Beyonce does it, she either had nothing to do with it, or she is a victim to the pressures on women to be perfect, or there's no certainty the obvious photoshop is really a photoshop.

Nah, man, that's what brackets are for. You fix the text and put it in brackets, or put a sic in there. Come on, I believe in you. You can do better than this!

YO THE PLURAL OF CAMPUS IS CAMPUSES, NOT CAMPUS', for fuck's sake. That is an appalling use of an apostrophe.

I'm not famous. But I will never stop singing praises of my wife. If someone asks about her? She is a deity. She is an energy source for the universe. She is a sword of unrivalled elegance and power. It's one thing to want a private life, but... Urgh... Feel free to be in love, folks. Because it's. the. best.

This shit has misogynist and bad journalism written all over it. I won't act like I don't love me some RA, but a "nice, stand-up fella" who deserves your "full-on respect" based on some quotes you found on the internet really quickly? For lack of a better term, gtfo, and do your research.

Yeah, that's not someone being sober.

I know it's silly but I've been sad about this all weekend. AND, what sad songs is she going to listen to if she can't play any Ryan Adams?? :(

This one hit me hard for some reason. They were such a cool, cute and kind of unlikely couple.