At the London Olympics. In Wimbeldon, no less! This is why we need more Black people participating in white dominated sports. lol
At the London Olympics. In Wimbeldon, no less! This is why we need more Black people participating in white dominated sports. lol
You're really blowing the lid off these post headlines, Collier.
I agree. The women should be the story. But, my apologies for picking nits, but I sure hope there are not "scores of women," because a score is 20. Dozens is perhaps the word you wanted. Please, let's hope the word "scores" is not, in fact, applicable. I can't rule out the possibility, though. Fucking rapist creep.
My rampant speculation about the situation is this: Jay-Z and Kanye are legitimately friends, Beyonce loathes Kim, Kim tries to get Beyonce to like her, and everyone ends up avoiding each other because it's too awkward. Also Kanye is that friend you have to stop hanging out with because he brings his annoying…
Missing apostrophe is driving me mental!!!
Help me out here. What? Stifler's Mom. Am I missing something? That was Jennifer Coolidge. Is it because she said she is a MILF. That reference is 16 years old now. That reference can drive. (And I got it! Oh God! I'M OOOOOOOOLD!!!!)
There's a dude in my town who drives around with an anti-Jane Fonda bumper sticker on his truck. In the whole scheme of the last 40 or so years, you couldn't think of one thing that pissed you off more than Jane Fonda?
well because Kanye was cheating on Amber with Kim
She needs to stay relevant as her only talent is fucking the talented and looking like the female version of Sisqo.
"Your mommy wears combat boots!" they'd taunt.
Was he a coke head? The middle aged man with the rings that is.
I love how all these commenters are looking down their noses at you, absolutely clueless that you've been a starred/hearted/kinja'd/whatevered contributor since 2007. Good lord. For the record, people: Jan has kids, has been building this community since you were in jr. high and was IMHO only pointing out that…
I am sure her kids will love hearing about her blog when their classmates are old enough to find it.
Was the storage unit for his collection of Jamiroquai hats?
oh shit, me too...and i forgot until i readyr comment. . .. in my defense, i didn't know until we had done the deed a couple times.
The one we called "Lib Lad," an Ayn Rand acolyte, in the mid-90s. Total hate fuck. We shared a cigarette afterwards and swore never to speak of it again. I understand he won a Pulitzer at some point much later on.
That woman who is dating her dad.