
her natural gasp is like

My sibling is married to someone horribly physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive. Everyone has tried to some degree to get them out of the relationship. They won't budge. It's very distressing to say the least.

Yeah, I can't even fathom that. My boss screams at me on a daily basis, and if I cry (and it's often), it isn't for more than a few minutes.

Yup. I know a MOH who told a bride she was making a mistake, 10 years later they still don't talk. I told a friend she was making a huge mistake w/her first husband & our friendship didn't recover until their marriage fell apart. Nobody wants to hear that stuff.

Yuuuuuup. My sister pretty much told me that if I didn't agree with her marrying my then to be future BIL, I didn't have to be in the wedding.

Seriously, if you're gonna eat cookie dough, make it fresh! I was once in line for a concert, and a girl in front of me pulled a huge tube of Tollhouse cookie dough out of her bag and took an ENORMOUS bite. Now, I love cookie dough, but that was fucking disgusting.

I hate the fact he's called "M." Ward. Seriously. It makes me angry and has for years.

I had a friend who, while we listening to a She and Him album, said "oh man, I hope Zooey Deschanel never gets divorced. I'd hate for She and Him to break up." And I had explain that a. she was divorced and b. she wasn't and isn't married to M. Ward.

Oh, go suck a goji berry smoothie.

It is amazing how many people miss that 500 days of Summer is a critique of treating women like Manic Pixie Dream Girls. Tom loves her as an idea, not as a person, and that's why it all falls apart.

Pointing out that Zooey's characters in (500) Days of Summer and New Girl aren't MPDG. Because apparently that needs to be said.

So this ended up being the opposite of kicking everyone out (although it started out that way) For my brother's wedding-my sister in law has a long standing beef with one of her sisters and to cut down on drama decided to not have any family members in the wedding party. Except the one sister she likes. Needless to


I was in a wedding party where the bride booted the maid of honor from the wedding during the bachelorette party. Excessive booze, crying, hot tub fighting - it was all very Real Housewives-esque.

You know you're in the wrong line of work when unprompted, unwarranted bitchery from a total stranger makes you cry for two MINUTES. Two hours?

My mom discovered emojis recently. She comments on every instagram photo I post even if she has no idea what I'm posting about. She loves this one: 💝 this is peak Mom

Never forget who you are!

Yeah I get what you're saying. Maybe I overreacted to your comment. I am a very severe case, and my direct supervisor knows my situation/is VERY understanding compared to most bosses. Two hours is a long time to just be MIA. That being said, it sounds like the person has something else going on.