
I mean — I also have depression / anxiety. I guess when looked at from that perspective, I can see it. From personal experience though, it has never been an option to go missing from work (or wherever) for 45 minutes/two hours ( my dad was a real hard ass when I was growing up and doesn't believe in psychological

I have to believe OP is exaggerating. I've been known to have a good cry-fest but for never that long. On top of it — I cannot believe for a SECOND that any kitchen staff would allow that to go on for any longer than 5-10 minutes. And what about the co-workers, presumably also being run ragged? I doubt they'd have a

I cry when I get angry, so I've done that whole ran off to cry thing before. And I HATE when it happens, because I hate anyone knowing they pushed me that far. But for two hours?! Hell, no. I didn't even cry for two hours when my father died.

yeah... but two hours? I could see myself walking away and leaving to get some fresh air to clear my head — for ten minutes, maybe. Otherwise - what are you even doing? This sounds like it was a situation that you suck it up and pass out when you get home.

She sounds like the type of pantywaist who says "I cried for two days straight after the ______ disaster."

I was so shocked, I had no idea what to do. I looked at her silently as she yelled at me before finally throwing her money in her face and storming into the kitchen to cry for two hours.

colin did you know that lobsters REALLY ARE undersea bugs tho

I do throw shade at those who clearly get it wrong, though. If you have all the money in the world, and your job is to look good, and you cannot judge when to let up on the Botox and fillers and surgery, you have failed. It's like a bad dye job, over and over again. If you aren't going to maintain your haircoloring,

Julianne, with all respect please follow more commenters for the Muse! I'm starring people all the time but it will be a better site if you guys could bring more people out of the grays.

I suspect she's had a little help from a surgeon but whatever, she looks GOOD.

Asking if the salmon is wild or farm raised is a valid question. I don't like the taste of farm raised and would base my order on that information.

Finally! Someone with the courage to affirmatively identify the restaurant without playing silly guessing games like "it's named after a town that's in the same state as another town that provided the name for a famous soap opera" or some equally asinine riddle.

Am I a hopeless fuddy-duddy for refusing to get on Team Salad Tossing? I just...fecal-oral bacterial transmission, you guys. C. diff is no fucking joke.

Yeah, I didn't know how the whole motorboating the ass would've been that pleasurable for Marnie, but what do I know?! The most shocking part of the whole scene was that it wasn't Lena Dunham's ass.

"The truth is, butt-eating isn't particularly risque ground anymore."

Wait, what's a neuro?

Maggie Gyllenhal, I like your work, but that was too pretentious.

It's been five minutes and you're googling yourself Chrissy!

Omg I cringed so hard. Giuliana, can you be cool for a fucking minute? Jesus Christ.

Just curious... aren't y'all having to license these photos I keep seeing attributed to Terry Fucking Richardson, which would mean Terry Fucking Richardson is getting money to put into his gross dirty old man pockets? Wouldn't it be better just to go with another photographer's work and pretend that Terry Fucking