Thank you. Thank you for saying this.
Thank you. Thank you for saying this.
Thank you for saying this.
Great description of how if feels sometimes. I'm glad you're through the worst of it now; your description brings me right back to how I felt that first months/year.
I like and love my kid now, and I feel like myself again, even though this version of self is different. But so many people were so immediately able to declare “it was worth i and adjust so quickly (or claimed to). I just didn’t; it took me longer. But I don’t regret having my kid. I just didn’t know I wouldn’t be a…
Giving birth ripped me apart and destroyed my identity. I was 100% sure it was a mistake.nto have become a mother. I love that we can admit this now, that hormones are stronger than us and we might need time to adjust.
I came here SURE that this was a misunderstanding. But not. I can't even. I can totally picture this meeting too - a bunch of idiots equating STEM skills for boys to DANCE skills for girls. What the fuck. I hate everyone today, but these fucks win.
I'm just so glad he got jail time. It's terrifying that these predators are protected by administrators who don't want the negative publicity. ALL good people and teachers are so glad when these scumbags are given jail time. I hope those girls feel supported and heard.
Not going to read this because as soon as I saw The Trentonian, I knew it was just bullshit. The Trentonian has been, and always will be, a trolling piece of crap “newspaper.” It's not a legitimate new source for pretty much anyone in the area. AND it's a neat way to evaluate local businesses. If you see it in the…
Teachers want to be paid more to work 6 hours and get their summers off! I hate teachers! Except also decide they all should also be real-life superheroes with guns!
Most of us have been heartbroken over the ending of a friendship. And most of the time, we don't allow ourselves to grieve. Why not? Just like romantic relationships. Also, most of those friendships we lose; I think they were supposed to end. They served a purpose for a time in our lives, and then maybe we outgrow…
I thought it was only targeting me. Figured it was the government though, not the Illuminati.
I love you. I have actually said the exact same thing about Gravity (and that new Martian movie). People going into space are just asking for it. And I also heckled the trailer of this tightrope walking movie, wondering if that weirdo had to pay huge fines just to be some asshole who probably held up civil servants…
Is it at all possible that you are taking it too personally? I mean, if you are super new and it was her job to give you feedback, maybe she was trying to be honest. Honest critical feedback can be so horrible to take, I've been there. And maybe she was just not great at her job either. But if you're a newbie,…
Just - not even a little bit surprised.
Sometimes I schedule an abortion in between the kids CCD classes and Zumba. We busy gals have to make it work!
Did you not get the memo? True women have an abortion every 6 months. For mankind and stuff.
You know, guys like that actually believe that is how it happens.
I'm enjoying these posts immensely.
So beautiful. Congratulations and thanks for sharing!
I had no idea Caholics had such a run on hospitals. In my area, we have plenty of non-religious affiliated healthcare. Go Bo-Wash Northeast Corridor!