
I do feel bad for her; she seems attached to her doctors; I get that. However, it is a Catholic-run hospital, so she should have switched when she realized. My one doctor works out of a Catholic network, and if I ever got pregnant, I would immediately switch offices. The Caholics are rabid when it comes to this stuff.

Also, I’m just confused by the confusion here. I’m white and American, and women are beaten and killed by male family members here too. Is our sense of confusion because it’s not the husband doing the attack? The method? Or both? I’m just legitimately interested in your take on it.

By making the choices everyday to NOT be evil. And go beyond that - to actively do good in the world everyday, on some level at same place. Even if it's saying something decent in the comments to someone. Or waiting patiently behind the elderly person in line instead of huffing and stomping (just saw someone doing

People are not inherently good. It’s easier to be a lazy, selfish, greedy asshole. We can CHOOSE to try and do good in the world. That's how I get up in the morning (usually).

Is a barn party a party in a barn? Not trying to ask a stupid question.

Thanks. I was feeling a little breast shamed, but that's my issue.

Acceptance of what happened. Acceptance that it does not define us. Forgiveness isn't the word.

I'm sorry. Just - it sounds like you're stuck in a shit sandwich. I hope you can just somehow tune them out and get your work done. Sending out positive vibes to you and shut the f up vibes to your coworkers.

I'm so so sorry. I've been there. Cat lady hugs from me.

Do you still have BC pics up? Because now I picture an entire house covered in his face. And I'm not judging; I like it!

All I could think was he could’ve just “booped” the boil.

Clearly, he needs to go back under his decrepit bridge. Troll.

I hear you. That's the way my people roll too.

Yeah. Our house looked nice too. And it looked like that until it didn’t. And then my father died, but only after destroying himself and everything and everyone around him until no one, nothing was left - not even a vestige of his former brilliant self. He thought the same way you do. He had it under control.

I just got chills. I'm so glad he was able to tell you. I hope you were able to find him help.

I’m sorry. I wonder if you had a routine just for your house, it might settle him a bit? But seriously, 3 year olds are so so difficult. Besides newborns, 3 was the hardest time for most kids I know (and their poor sleep deprived parents). Quick suggestions - 1. Make a playlist and included a guided relaxation in

Keys in fist, eyes scanning, trusting your gut. I’m always like this. I’ve often asked someone to stay on the phone with me, even if I’m not talking, if I’m having a really anxious night.

You know those positive self talks that are supposed to make you feel all decent about yourself? Well, those aren't working tonight. I'm gassy and cranky and antisocial. I can only stand my netflix friends, even my new library books aren't tempting me. I think I have the end of summer blahs.

That Kardashian mom is hugging Michael Jackson. Just sayin

I wonder if “love” means something different for them? And/or they can’t let themselves not “love” the person because of guilt? People I know who have that tendency had it drilled into them that they HAD to love the abuser and it was somehow their fault if they did not love that awful person. Like the abused has to be