
I mean, they keep doing this because these are the articles that consistently get the most comments and clicks! We’re contributing, so I can’t really fault them for this tactic. 

Lol very nice, mustache => pigtails 

Bud Light Seltzer? Seems redundant. 

With Joan, I’m pretty sure the mistake was intentional. Not judging, you gotta do what you gotta do. 

Excellent show. What’s she up to these days?

OMG just sous vide and brown on a hot cast iron, worry free!

Thanks, I love it!

Thank you. I have been waiting for this article for a long, long time. It’s the perfect dessert.

Supply and Demand applies to the cost of higher education, and consequently, student loans. Demand for loans is what it is, determined by perception on the value of a collegiate degree.

I kind of feel bad for feeling bad for him :/ 

As long as he has some influence (and lets not kid ourselves, he’ll still have that in spades after office) there will be a never-ending line of sycophants willing to do the work for him.

The lightning lasso thing featured prominently in the trailers, so I gave it a pass thinking “it looks ridiculous, can’t wait to see the plot reasoning behind it.”

I was very puzzled for the first 30 min or so on who to root for. And agree with the tonal confusion, as well. The Macguffin robot really grated on me (it makes people fly?? Yet the grandkids have never heard of it, or the company?). 

I fuggin LOVE Toriyama’s mech designs! Stylized and technically accomplished, it’s delicious

Veeeerrry nice, Mr. Amano hasn’t been on my radar since his Sandman collaboration, glad to see him still active in US comics.

The theme song is... Rastafarian?

That’s a shame. But there’s a lot of 3rd strike content out there these days, thanks to FC2.

I’m with you! I always like a new aesthetic, and this has got it in spades. The few glimpses I got had me interested in their iteration of Anhk Morpork. 

Been a long day. I need this. I need to post dumb stuff on the internet.