
Keanu “Whoa” vs Owen “Wow”

I agree with the decades timeframe. The issue is these companies were stringing along investors by claiming conventional meat price parity within a few years. Now reality is starting to set in and cause problems:

You’re asking the right questions. There was an analysis done in 2023 of the current energy costs, and it’s not good:

10 goddamn years since I first read this way back in 2013. Wasn’t married, didn’t have 2 kids, different job... but a lot of me still feels frozen in place. 10 years feels like a lot, and not a lot. 

Counter take - they deserve to be in single digits due to the enduring influence that show has had on mainstream stuff. 

This is the way. Don’t believe in heroes, trust people to be people.

Doesn’t benefit from the gyroscopic stability, looks like the stability just come from the greater surface area of the tracts.

To be fair(?) he never gets anything done when he says he will

No kidding! I love Yukinobu Tatsu’s DanDaDan. Crisp linework and amazing action sequences, artistically one of my current favorites.

I had to come alllll the way down here in the comments for my AVClub Family Guy < American Dad take? Tsk tsk.

There are spaces on the internet with little moderation... and they’re cesspools for the people who can’t find a home anywhere else. And the only advertisers they can get are for pron.

Forcing Eli Lilly to admit that no, they aren’t going to affordably distribute a life-saving drug, silly goose, we live in the mfing YU ES AY!

That last one had me staring at the screen for a while. Un-fucking-believable. 

See: all of crypto

Isn’t that the fun?

At this point I’ve just accepted it as a basic tenant of being human. It’s often taken a personal experience, or the experience of someone I hold dear, for me to understand another perspective. I feel we gotta work with that mechanic in our social engineering if we are to solve these problems.

They’re inconsequential puffery that... Halloween. Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween

Cramer’s job is not to give good advice, it’s to entertain and get retail investors into the market.