
God, I hate Jr.’s beard. it looks like iron shavings that you see on that magnetic beard toy. Why is there no un-haired space?! Is he a lycanthrope and shaving the top half of his face? At least Cuban Sea Blob’s beard has some contouring and shape.

After watching those clips, I was convinced someone from VB was involved. They aren’t?! The mannerisms, the character aesthetic, the animation, the humor, the voice acting, it’s all spot-on. 

The less canon there is of Q, the better. He’s best as an enigma. 

Hey, dairy adjacent industry here (feed ingredients) - What do you make of June’s crazy milk price spike, and the sustained $24~20 / cwt prices? Is it all just the Covid Food Assistance Program? Cheese inventories are still high, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

My take on the primary reasoning behind anti-maskers... is freedom of choice. Let me be free to make my choices, as stupid as everyone else may make them out to be. Kind of like a 90 year old smoker that uses their habit, and the fact that they’re still alive, as a reason that they’re superior to all the so-called

Good analogy, but if bears are an extinction-level event, and I’m not 100% convinced they aren’t, then we better get to work checking out those caves.

Oh I haven’t commuted in a while now so the opportunities I have to listen to Morning Edition have dropped... But yeah, I think collectively we are all starting to realize that the human parameters of “success” do not necessarily correlate with accurately perceiving reality.

Over the long term, it (and by it I mean refusing to view reality as it is) is fatal, or lowers your fitness level. But the problem arises when, in the short term, being stupid together is better than being smart, alone.

Coming into month 4 of quarantine and working from home, for myself and my wife. Our daughter spent her 1st birthday doing Zoom parties with relatives and friends, and now she gets super excited whenever she hears the Skype ring tone.

Gah! Mythbusters and Craig Ferguson were my staples in the early - mid aughts, this hits hard.

Their mindset is, “I have more money than you, ergo I am better.”

That checks out. I (hetro-cis-male) always fall for the lesbian.

This will also never get old. 

Now playing

Time to break out this oldie but a goodie

Now playing

Kinda-sorta-related? Mostly, I’m happy to have an excuse to link this.

I agree with your 2 points, but the bigger issue in my mind is the increasing ability to create these fake images. Never-mind that this one is mostly true, but it’s part of a growing trend - you can’t trust yourself to be able to tell fake from real.

This guy sounds like a neutron star of white privilege.