
This was grad school, Champaign-Urbana, IL, probably 2007. Back in the Gawker days. I was riding my bike down the street and I see this squirrel running across, from the opposite side, towards me. I have barely a second before I realize we’re on a collision course so I speed up.

It’s unreal how bad his make up is. He must do it himself. You can see where some of his orange-ier got into his hair.

Oof, maybe blur out and give click-through warnings of offensive images? 

Very nicely done, good craftsmanship. Looks a bit unstable and frail for a FG setup, however. Nothing beats an AstroCity on that front.

While we’re on the subject of his appearance...

It’s just another example of “exceptionalism.” Since you can only be better if you’re different than everyone else. Here, “Exceptionalism” is just plain contrarianism. 

Also, everyone has a camera in their pocket now. Crowdsource footage and news that.

If nothing else, you’d think this woman had seen the Amy Cooper debacle and would be oh so careful not to be “that Karen”

“If Bozo was a person, it would be you.”

We’re on the same page! I guess if there is a point I was trying to make, it’s that none of us are immune to this balancing act. The more obligations you have, the more likely you are to compromise on your principles, should they come into conflict. Also a reason most POTUS lean towards the center, after taking office.

People who are used to being affirmed are consequently more cavalier about expressing themselves

Good point. Humanity as a whole has advanced far beyond a single individual’s ability to understand. In the absence of understanding, we have to make a decision on who to trust.

Not a homeowner, so I’m ignorant on whether this type of event (?) is normally covered in insurance. 

A good example of people being beholden to their material belongings/status/wealth, rather than the principles they claim to uphold.

No, you should always end your texts with an ellipsis, so everything you say comes off as sarcastic or disapproving, goddammit Jose!

Develop a 50 year plan

And us, to be honest, for enjoying the show that was produced. Speaking for myself (and I suspect a large portion of the audience), schadenfreude, conflict, and broccoli pasta were the draws of this show.

The reviews are excellent, as expected.

I hope not! As others have pointed out, becoming far removed from agriculture has created high, some would say unrealistic, consumer expectations.

Mmm flan! This book has a good recipe: