
Steak n Shake > Shake Shack

I can’t tell if I’m gaining or losing weight during this ordeal. I eat less, but drink more. 


We’ve done a few online tournaments in our FGC too, but not everyone has the same platform, and not everyone’s connection is fast enough for “good” play, ~ 60 ping.

“Folding.” I don’t get it! And by that I mean I’m not good at it. Any tips?

Bummer. This was going to be my 3rd ComboBreaker. It’s always great seeing your online rivals in the flesh. 

My impression is that he’s very unaccustomed to being challenged, in any way whatsoever. Similar to, but to a lesser degree than, Trump.

Argh, we are dealing with that too. One of our rabbits had a heart attack 2 weeks ago and died, and our cat’s not doing well, either.

Holy crap, I am so, so, sorry. We are all so short-sighted and selfish as a species.

The former, but is your point that I am also posting arranged material? My rant wasn’t on the quality of your work, which I sincerely thought was funny, but how strong the pull of nostalgia is. But mostly I was being obnoxious. It’s something I feel I lack, usually. 

Well, well, well. What do we have here. Someone doing something...original? Look above you. See that looking down atchu, with more stars than you could ever imagine?!!?? It’s called nostalgia. It’s the intense, positive feelings you associated with a simple melody in a more carefree, idle, and juvenile time. THIS is

Now playing

Oh yeah, it’s no secret how good this theme is. There are tons of covers!

I enjoyed the game, and I’m doing a 2nd run-through now. I really like the story telling, and the fact that there isn’t a fairy-tale ending was refreshing. 

There’s a few exceptions...

That’s why they recommend you just self-isolate

an entire box of Samoas consumed in one sitting.

For good reason - apparently they are illegal in a lot of countries!