
I have an unabashed, wife-alienating, “Ew, are you okay?”-sized soft spot for this type of schlock. Ren Faires, theme restaurants, animatronics, whatever, I’m in. I’m not sure where it comes from but it’s not ironic (I think?).

His ads are showing up on youtube for me and I have to suppress a groan while frantically pressing the “skp ad” button.

progressive Americans are in denial about how conservative this country is.

A lot of excellent, experimental stuff from that era, fueled by bubble money. 

He’s gaining in the polls, and it’s frankly distressing. Who are these people? Center right Dems who (rightly) don’t trust Biden to be fit for office?

Classic mistake, and source of unearned hurt feelings.

My friends and I use jitsi to chat while we play games that don’t offer voice chat. So we’ll frequently alt-tab from the game to the jitsi screen, which is a video conference freeware.

I took a look at their presentation, and it’s pretty light on manufacturing details. I think their innovation is in the microbial strain producing the protein. Also, the electrolysis system that creates an H+ gradient environment for the bacteria ... ? And since they claim they are fixing CO2, they must be using

1st time I went, I didn’t poop for 3 days.

Diplomatic immunity’s a hell of a thing, and I understand its reasoning (preventing political hostage-taking). But we are close allies and there should be room for justice in such a relationship.

High powered... this guy was just born into it, right? I’m making assumptions here, but compared to self-made types (Epstein and Weinstein) he lacks moxy and shameless displays of self interest.

I just wanted to point out that much of the dry weight of plants, including that of protein, does, in-fact, come from thin air. RubisCO isn’t the world’s most abundant protein for nothing!

Eeeh. The majority of the dry weight of plants comes directly from carbon fixation from the air. Soil-derived macro nutrients Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium is a comparatively small %.

Oh! (Surprise)

I used to live just a few blocks away in a shit-hole apartment, close to Danny’s. $900 for a 2 bedroom apartment, 1 1/2 baths. Leaky roof, retained heat like a colander, rats. 

Tonally, the story seems to match better previous iterations of the IP (my personal fave being SAC), so I am optimistic.

The conclusion I draw from anecdotes like these is that everyone has the capacity to be dumb. 

The most charitable thing you can say about her is that she’s creating jobs (albeit unstable ones) by taking money from those with disposable income.

We make fun of GOOP here a lot, but I’m worried that I might be in a bubble...