
I own a Vive and the last thing I want is another time waster or mini game. In fact having used it for more than a month I can say there is no reason for me to even own one now. I love the experience but the software available sucks and what I want is a full game experience. It doesn’t have to be one I play for hours

Exactly. Thanks Apoc.

Ugh. Not the kind of title that VR really needs right now. We need to start getting full game experiences for VR or its not going to take off for gaming.

I never really thought any of this series was even close to a good game. But I never questioned if it was a game unlike certain modern titles.

The game is so easy. Here’s lots of tips to make it even easier.

I’m curious about the possible correlation of people who think Gone Home was a game and who think No Man’s Sky is good.

No. The mechanics of any Olympic event must take place in the real world.

It won’t matter as long as Nintendo doesn’t mind being a second console. Personally I don’t think they can afford to go that route again.

I think the demo shows they know what they are doing enough to warrant some expectation of a successful product.

I think it’s more arrogant to dismiss an exciting emerging technology just because it doesn’t meet your expectation of a holodeck at this point in time. There are still amazing and immersive experiences to be had.

Oh you’re one of those people.

You would think a bit better of even the small experiences we have now and gaming potential if you got a chunk of time in it.

It took me all of 30 minutes to get my VR legs and not have a problem with scrolling in vr. Now I’m disappointed everytime I see the teleport mechanic used. The disorientation with standard movement is something your brain adapts to quickly after a brief period of discomfort.

Jump scares and atmosphere do wonders in vr. Honestly though mostly jump scares.

This full of pompous hipster trash. An embarrassing list for the platform indeed.

Anything new to add about system shock 3 since the announcement?

It was a horse. Deal with it.

I think awkward is the new funny for millennials.

2 480x will not be better than 1080. In ashes 2 its just barely faster and it appears that benchmark was run at lower quality settings. Even if that bench was actually real which it isn’t, in all other games besides ashes it won’t come close, factor that in with horrible x fire support and that is a huge dog turd of a

2x cards is not going to be 2x performance and also support for xfire from amd is horrible. No one is talking about these cards because they are low end not interesting.