
It’s funny because I had the opposite reaction... I ended up finishing HZD and not BotW... I just found it so boring, even with the great climbing mechanics.

This is the correct takeaway from this story.

holy s**t, remember when people used to invade Beatles’ homes or novelists or even scientists?

I know this is a SUPER hot take that I’ll probably get criticized for, but to me it looks like how Leia would have aged if she had lived Leia’s life rather than Carrie Fisher’s.

The image makes me think of a giant soulless machine. So, yep a good example of socialism.

What pisses me off is that 5 fucking losers making a living playing video games in their homes are constantly whining and dictating how the game should be played by millions of paying customers. Fuck them and what they want, the devs should care about what the millions of normal users want.

These hotshot streamers need to take a chillpill and remind themselves it’s just a fucking game.

I have a theory that people need to experience more bad games. There is a glut of people who seem to have no real perspective when it comes to what a truly bad game is and can be. They will make insane claims about certain games being terrible or the worst game they ever played, and it’s clear that they are confusing

At least there’s no laser axes that shatter into oblivion after cutting down a few trees...

Personally I’m waiting for the ‘Switchless’ revision, which is permanently docked, cheaper, and comes bundled with a Pro Controller (A man can dream, can’t he?!). Seems unlikely, but I used to joke I was waiting for a New 2DS XL, and to my surprise they actually made that, so who knows?

Don’t people pay extra for curved devices these days:

Yep. Does not look fun or engaging. On top of the extremely narrow FoV and slow walking hallway simulator gameplay.

Reminds me of the old Monkey Ball target mini games.

Nope. There, settled.

Come at me, bro

Mr. Egg from BurgerTime will not let this insult stand.

Balancing more active and more sedentary activities has been a perennial concern though. I don’t see VR as a special threat; already, people are either too sedentary or they’ve managed to build being active into their lifestyles.

It seems unlikely that it was a software/driver problem since he’s using exactly the same software configuration (he swapped out the CPU/MB and RAM and just rebooted). I mean... I guess it’s possible that some drivers re-installed or maybe some faulty ones unique to his old MB went inactive and stopped conflicting or

He’s a warrior. He’s free. He’s not a middle aged man trying to fit in at a Rancid concert.