
DB Weiss is a hack. He cant end stories.

A troll intends to create havoc. I’m simply stating my opinion. Your delicate fanboy sensibilities have been hurt therefore you must call me names.

My description is accurate. There is no gameplay that extends the length of the game other than the gameplay that occurs during travel. Everything of importance to completing the game is compartmentalized and usually relies on tweaks to the gameplay that will never appear in the greater gameworld, other than the

Oh god please don’t let this mean there are going to be a million open world mini game collections now. Zelda is not a great game, it’s a Nintendo cookie cutter release. The new Mario is the same thing, open world mini game collection, or mini games with travel time if you would. These games are bad and History will

Really? Red Lobster? Yuck.

That’s incredible! How does that cat sit on an LCD?

Just wanted to point out the same game is on that list twice. Zelda and Mario. Nintendo just makes open world mini game collections now. Wake up.

Carrie Fisher rode hard.

The Porgs are just merchandising fodder.

Mario Odyssey is the same game as the latest Zelda its just a re-skin. I think all Nintendo knows how to do anymore is make open world mini-game collections.

The Nintendo switch gave me back my open world mini game compilations. Yup that’s all nintendo makes anymore.

This is no one’s business but him, his wife and the other party. Twitch and/or the american public don’t deserve an apology or information.

WRoEF is a vehicle for second rate writers. They are not good enough to make it in their proper craft so they try to disguise their poor craft in computer games. That’s why they so badly want to be called a video game so they can blend in like a chameleon. Take away the disguise of video games, an art form not central

Not a game.

I don’t know why anyone would play on anything other than the ‘Normal’ or intended difficulty. I want to experience the game exactly the way the creators envisioned it. I hope reviewers don’t change difficulties, that would be a totally different experience...

I don’t think so, I’m having trouble coming up with a GotY. Nothing stands out. I guess Divinity 2 is a contender, but I haven’t gotten to that one yet.

Disappointed in this game. Instead of getting themed levels leading up to a boss fight usually all you get is the boss fight, or a level with no boss. I’ve only seen one level that was themed and led to a boss fight so far...

Shit I wish Miami would have picked him up.

Hopefully the escalating presence of micro transactions signifies its death gasp. I can’t believe people will still defend this practice.

 Lol nice necro-article, I almost forgot it took it to the house 5 years ago. Deadbeats.