
What I noticed most about the characters was the low res textures and the weird dithering screen door effect on their faces and that the lip sync was pretty poor. I don’t know why everyone thinks this looks amazing. To me it just meets expectations.

This show has jumped the Stark.

It’s anti publisher, which is different.

Raiders of the lost Arc had a story and was a lot more playable than ET. Not that ET was really hard it just wasnt too engaging.

I bet that guy has never played ET and has no idea what hes talking about.

I use to think it wasn’t a thing just like you...

Sounds like something someone would say after using the wrong word.

This is a dangerous perspective to have. Your time and skills are worth fair compensation. The companies and managers shouldn’t be the only ones compensated for your effort.

It’s clearly a man in a dress.

Nailed it.

Was the framerate really as choppy as that video indicates? Or just some side effect of the way you recorded 2 views?

You haven’t looked into any factual data, you are just making this up. Multiple studies have concluded that there is nothing measurable in a small enclosed space that qualifies as a controlled or dangerous substance. And what is measurable is the stuff the you slather all over your body when you use beauty products or

Conclusions: For all byproducts measured, electronic cigarettes produce very small exposures relative to tobacco cigarettes. The study indicates no apparent risk to human health from e-cigarette emissions based on the compounds analyzed

Just from reading his rants all I can picture is a precious little snowflake millennial.

We seriously need to stop calling these types of titles ”games”.

I agree. Real time with pause has always been a negative to these otherwise great genre games.

I’m not gonna do your job for you.

I find it hard to get upset about this considering we already have Steam, Origin, Uplay, etc...

Sweet Double XP hit on an analogy that I made about DLC.