
The reason they dialed back the graphics, for PC and I'm willing to bet the Ps4, and Xbox one. Is because they didnt want people putting off buying the game at full price on last gen consoles because the game looked so much better on Next Gen/PCs. It's as simple as that. The install base for last gen is so much

I can tell you in my case with a GTX 690, It made the game more playable. After the patch tonight I went back in to play without the "mod" and the game was much more unstable framerate wise.

Just Curious, are you using AMD video hardware? What OS? I was running NVidia and Win 7 I think at the time.

Before E3 it was announced for PC too. "Today's E3 press conference brought the news that No Man's Sky will be playable on PlayStation 4 in addition to its formerly announced appearance on PC. "

Enough of the Watch Dogs bashing. Sure it has some technical issues but it's seriously a fun game. Some of the Acts especially the Iraq story line are some of the more memorable experiences I've had playing games. I really like Watch Dogs, I think dissing the game has become perpetuated by people who never played

I finished that game and never had a problem with stability, at least not enough that I can recall.

Really? You're info is a bit outdated.

I'm sorry I just didn't see Nintendo doing anything they don't normally do every year. I don't see much coming out besides the usual suspects and it's all so far in the future. I think there's just a lot of fanboy revelry towards Nintendo right now for no special reason. The Wii-U is gonna be short lived before

Or maybe inexplicably?

I dont have my cable going through it because for a long time the Xbox started screwing up and not being able to display the video signal through it. I diconnected it at that point and I much prefer it as a dedicated box and not having to fool with the stupid voice commands and gesture navigation which always screwed

The major stuff is the same thing you can expect any generation from Nintendo. Unless waiting for software to actually become available, I doubt this changes anyone's mind about the device.

Do you like anyone? I mean the only reason to post a reply to someones comment is if you like what they post, but you seem to hate me. Find something to like about me, or kindly leave.

Why has Kotaku coverage of E3 been so poor? It seems more like a vacation than a reporting job. I mean seriously joystiq has way more E3 related stuff than Kotaku...pretty disappointed really.

You know the thing about Pac-Man he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye.

"Baby's First Fighting Game" is serious business.

Seems like it's canned animations in engine. With interaction I'm sure the presentation will suffer a fair bit in the actual release. You can do amazing things when you know the exact path of and animations of your environments and assets.

Zelda, Pre-rendered...possibly in engine...Much prerender from all the corps this year.

I don't get it, what has changed since she was a little girl?