
I didn't realize who I was replying to with that last comment. I admire the stand you took for LGBT equality and certainly wouldn't have expressed my point in such a cheapshot way had I noticed. I simply wanted to point out that I don't believe it's good for society to justify hatred and treat anyone like a

Don't gaze too long into the abyss.

It's figurative. The outrage harmed his income and his ability to land a job to make income in the future. You might as well have punched him in the face. Or do you think you should be able to destroy someone as long as you dont physically touch them?

I bow to your much superior and elegantly put analysis.

That's a pretty scary thing your describing there. It looks like a back door way to support some kind of social totalitarianism under the guise of figuring people out.

Again I hate repeating myself here but I apparently wasn't clear enough that I am speaking about this particular situation not every possible situation everyone can think up. I don't see how telling your boss off to his face is in any way comparable to showing empathy to another human being.

I think you've got the wrong person i never said anything about firing women and black people.

You can disagree with your words all you want, not your fists.

We are talking about his words in particular in this discussion, what did he say that should have a consequence? Nothing, this is about just as he says the culture of outrage. All he did was show empathy to someone that a good portion of society deems less than human.

So showing empathy in a completely hate free manner, making people think about how this whole situation is messed up is now "running off at the mouth". Sorry let me adjust my line of thinking.

The angry internet is picking apart small parts of a greater statement to try and put words in my mouth. Read his statement and tell me if that equates to talking crap about your bosses wasn't hate speech. You are responsible for your words, nothing in his words implied anything that should be grounds for

I don't care what the governments definition of free speech is. Speech that isn't free of consequence will never be free. I'm speaking of the idea that an individual should be able to express an opinion that hurts no one, and not have their life ruined because of it. I'm not defending hate speech, I'm simply

Using free speech and being deprived of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness because your opinion isn't popular certainly isn't much of a defense of free speech. The company can do whatever it wants of course, he was stupid to use his name which is connected to a company, but I really don't think it should be

If you think that giving someone the right to free speech shouldn't protect them from repercussions that's the most worthless right I've ever heard of. He should have used an account not connected to the company so it didn't force their hand is what I'm saying. I also think it's a shame for firing the guy over a

I was saying he should have used an anoymous account that wouldn't involve his company. It was a bigger statement on how everyone is moving towards registered users with real names only for internet services.

This is a good example of why anonymity is so important on the internet for protecting free speech.

It's funny how bad people are at driving the cars in this game. In multiplayer races I have never come in any other position than first and usually a good 20 seconds ahead of the next finisher. I guess I just get the controls in a way no one else does.

This game took me a few hours to get into but now that I have I find myself thinking about it and looking forward to the next chance I have to play it. It's a good game. Not for Hipsters.

What I would like to see at the end of this game is the CtOS list of all the people you killed in the game. That would be sweet, please tell me it happens.

Nothing is real, everything is permitted.