
I rear-ended someone , when they got out I saw that it said they had been contemplating suicide regularly. So I shot him. Am I a profiler? I thought he would probably off himself after the accident anyways. The way he ran away from the first two shots it seemed like he might not have been that serious though.

Papers, Please, pushed gaming forward as an art form, I'm excited for this guys next project.

I could, might, be persuaded to run through some old PC Rpgs, but those aren't JRPGs so i dunno if it matters.

This is not the best comparison considering it uses an ancient version of OpenGL equivalent to the features of DX9. Hardly a showcase piece for any of the platforms.

The Solforge, it's no way like MtG except that its a CCG. Hex on the other hand is exactly like magic with renamed mechanics.

Because it's pretty much exactly the same game.

The game is such a clone featuring identical mechanics. I'm in the beta, looks like money well spent (Sarcasm).

I'm in the beta and it is undoubtedly a clone of MtG. Its supposed to have a cool single player campaign eventually though.

You don't create innovation in art by changing the input method. That is the least likely thing to get innovative designs from, you just end up with it shoehorned into existing designs for the novelty factor.

It's actually quite genius that he pulled it and now is introducing a new improved version. Makes people want it even more as "the big thing". Smart guy.

I always thought they should make up embarassing lies about mass murderers, so anyone contemplating something similar will think they will have their dirty laundry aired.

Assisted aiming rules!

The gimmick is over. Next on the list Phone/Tablet gaming.

All plasma and SdTvs are 60hz...Plasmas 600hz is marketing speak because there are 10 layers that make up the picture...but you only get 60FPS. So really a true computer LCD that does 120hz is better than anything else for framerate and your regular 60hz LCD is exactly the same.

Not a chance. Like I said, theres no way their contract says essentially, "If we go out of business, your games are going to be drm free." Also can you imagine how impossible it would be to get a copy of your games if Valve announced they were going out of business and you should download all your games? LOL, you'd

The funny thing is they actually had to choose to not include same sex relations. Otherwise it would have been less work.

This is completely untrue, nothing like this has ever been said. Not only that but it's impossible for that to be the case. Since when would valve be able to break contracts which include drm and protection of ips just because they are going out of business. Oh and you think they could arrange that? You know how

Are you not in a generation? I love that you used chummer, you get points for that.

The value of the money you earn is being destroyed on a daily basis and you can't wait to run into a future where you don't even own the things you pay for. Man, the corporations must love your generation.