
You deserve an all digital future but I don't.

You miss the point. The only reason I tried the other game was because of the suggestion of someone on the internet. I learned my lesson about trusting internet opinions about indie games. If I'm not immediately interested in the premise or gameplay I'm no longer going to take some hipsters word for it.

This is a game I knocked off my list thanks to all the acclaim Gone Home got. So the creators of KR0 can thank crappy journalism for recommending this game in the same breath as the POS as to why they lost a sale. I pretty much don't take any indy golden child games seriously any more thanks to the gaming media.

I have a better idea to fix steam, just get rid of all the FTP and DLC garbage. Suddenly the releases become easy to navigate and discover.

This looks like as good a place as any to drop this :

This series is garbage and the reasons he mentions are only part of it. The other part is the terrible controls.

I'm more offended by the fake guitar playing. And the music, oh god, the music!

This is really not a on the go kind of game, it requires much concentration and an interface that doesn't fight you to play it. I guess you could do this fairly well with touch controls though, so mostly the concentration thing.

I own everything, but limited to the last 90 days I think I've only used: Win 8 PC, Win XP PC, Win '98 PC, and NVidia Shield.

To me the golden age of JRPGs will always be the 8bit era. Simply because I always saw JRPGS as cut down RPG experiences compared to computer RPGS. While many of the limitations were still there for the 16bit era nothing about the gameplay changed very much...I always think of JRPGs as designs out of time. I don't

It looks more like a couple insane people fighting over a phone.

I build cheat engines, you're the navigator...

I actually think only the young ones take it seriously.

We call that monkey testing.

Umm in that little demo they never had the number of objects going on in the cloud that they did on the standalone machine...Also by the time this is viable standalone machines will have a solution. At any rate...nothing to see here.

I agree with you Quantum Conundrum was lacking quite a bit. Not a good game.

His art was very inspiring and particularly captured the feeling of adventure you wanted your sessions of D&D to contain. Loved his stuff.

My fault for not finishing his entire comment. I missed the nudge nudge part. Unless it was edited.