
As a parent I have no doubt that you would give your life to save your child's. That skews everything you do, you'd sell an entire population out as long as little Timmy would benefit.

It doesn't matter how you vote. If you've had a child you are no longer capable of rational thought and shouldn't be allowed to vote anymore.

Us childless people will stop telling you how to raise your kids if you promise to stop voting.

I think it just looks that way cause of the massive hair-do.

It reads like Superman has the intellect and reasoning of a 20 year old hipster liberal.

A frustrating universal remote that misses button presses and makes you scream at it 3 times to get it to do anything.

I have had one hooked up since release and in my opinion it's just as crappy as the original Kinect. I've been thinking about putting mine back in the box personally. It will save me time from when im eating dinner and suddenly it thinks I want to navigate the menus.

Your Life will be a living breathing advertisement for an EA product. Real good choice dad. She changes it by the time she's 19.

All women have tiny penises.

Unless suddenly everyone drops windows support why even bother with steamOS?

Well you don't get the game and youre still stuck with a pos wiiu.

I'm not sure I understand the question but if you search with a blank field you will get everything.

Instead of the default "All Items" on the search page select "Games". This removes all DLC from the search list.

EA did a humble bundle:

Im just the opposite, since I upgrade my PC often I like as large a case as possible. Ease of working with the system, and all the other benfits that naturally come along with a bigger box.

You are pulling a comment about particular eliquid manufacturers. Besides that you know what else is in antifreeze? Water, it must be bad for you cause its in antifreeze.

What is being vaporized is cleared by the FDA so that in any situation if you are exposed to those chemicals they are all deemed safe. I know you haven't looked into any real research or you wouldn't have that opinion.

You inhale the same things all the time when you eat and you put them on your skin when you use different hygene products. I know it's much easier to be irrationally afraid of something without looking into it. Its how most people are.

You could not be more uninformed and wrong.

Keep telling yourself that, but ecigs are way way safer than cigs. Its not the nicotine thats the problem.