
I've strapped computers and monitors and guitars in but I don't know why you'd strap in something thats already in a shipping container.

Nintendo's original plans for the DS were not as a primary gaming handheld in fact when the DS wasn't doing that well Nintendo announced that there would be a follow up to the GBA which would be gaming focused. Then sales took off and that announcement never materialized.

Because Socialism works so well.

Sweet, I was think I might have some reorganizing to do.

So this console cant stand on its side right?

They also said the Xbox had a superior framerate, which is incorrect and way more important than the color. But who cares, its not an infomercial. Relax Francis.

Thanks to everyone who responded, I guess mobile gaming just doesn't have much space in my life but it seems like other people have the need.

Who actually has time to play games on the go anyways? I know it's a great feature for kids but as an adult when would it ever be appropriate to be gaming when you're out doing other things? I mean ok if you commute to work and are comfotable your not going to get robbed sure, but that hardly qualifies to me as

I guess I'd better not open my rat massage parlor near there.

This guy was a total tool, his words and attitude is part of the reason I won't be getting an Xbone. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I would have fired him too.

You kiss your mother with that mouth?

Comic was written by an Xbot vastly understating it's inferiority and completely ignoring all the other non graphics related reasons to shun the Xbone.

Physics should have been more of a focus this time around. Maybe they are but we are just seeing upconversions from games designed for last gen plats in this situation anyways.

It's not too late to cancel your Xbone preorder. You don't have to dedicate the next 8 years of your life defending an underpowered console. Make the switch now and avoid all that heartache.

They have not.

I agree, both systems should be equally hated for their DRM implementation intentions.

You have to plan before a storm, if you lose your connection and didnt already choose offline mode your f'ed.

I can attest that at a random interval offline stops working. I don't know that interval, just that eventually you will hit it an be unable to launch a game, and you will receive some nonsense error message.

That looks like a portable toilet.