
You are going to be so sad. Cloud computing as envisioned by MS is a complete lie.

I bought the game legitimately but have never played it.

120hz is the best thing right now. Until Video boards handle high resolutions better I'd play it safe with 1920x1080. Just my opinion. Or hold off for a year then see whats out there.

If you crank everything. If you select settings that your card can handle you'll get acceptable framerates. And some of the cards on that chart are 3 years old and they dont even get as low as 9FPS.

Are you saying they did these tests on Windows 7 and it's slower than Windows 8.1?

I wouldn't be too sure about this. It's possible that regular internet latencies that you will get with any non local connection might be enough to cause the software to not work at all. It might just be mostly unplayable through the internet period.

Not just a carpet but a toilet carpet i believe.

I can run 320X200 games upscaled to 1920X1080 too..

Cool sounds like a good time to grab Killzone, Knack, and The Last of Us.

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to know about something you're into? Is it that you like the Xbone and it hurts you to know that it is technically inferior?

"What does this tell us?"

Except Titan Fall is on PC too, oops embarrassing!

If you dont want to be informed as a consumer then stop reading gaming sites.

In the arcade on the original street fighter cabinets that had those punch buttons.

IT depends on the size of the screen though. The smallest screen on the chart is 20"s. There's no way you get the full benefit of the iPhones resolution at the distance you're going to view it from according to what these kinds of charts say. Yet I say it's bollocks. You might not be able to see the individual

I think you've caught console-itis. Ocular degeneration is one of the first symptoms.

Why not just put the android console in the keyboard and give it a video out?

Good maybe they will make a real C&C game instead of a money trap.

This chart is a falacy. Care to tell me why a tiny screen viewed up close like the iPhone benefits from high resolutions then?

Have you heard how loud the fans get on the AMD cards to stay in the same temp range as the Nvidia cards though? Go to toms and listen to the noise these things put out :