
Well I'm sure it could have because PC 3d acceleration was pretty new and just starting to get adopted, they may not have been in a hurry or needed extra time to get it working. I played it on PC first personally though.

My epeen is bigger than yours!

SLI is kinda weird and spotty, if your gonna throw down the bucks for 2 cards in my opinion you'd be better off getting a single 680 or 670.

"Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. It was originally released in 1996 for the Sega Saturn, with MS-DOS and PlayStation versions following shortly thereafter."

Any Sci-fi channel movie is just as bad.

Family Guy?

So Sony will leave this up to the publishers, and they will set the price to play a used game at whatever they are currently selling the game for.

Right, but it won't be 5-10 bucks, it will be the current going price for the distribution of the game.

Yup, and it's in the publisher's interest to require online activation.

That just says it won't require an always-on connection. It says nothing about having to connect to the servers once to register.

And yet in all the digital distribution schemes around today a new game costs the same amount as the physical new game. Maybe it will be up to the developers, but weather the game comes on a disc, or from a server I dont think they will view the transfer medium as any difference.

Theres no way they wouldnt ask for full price or nearly full price in this case.


I think its funny you think they will only charge 5-10 dollars to get a copy. I believe it will be closer to full price. I don't see why they would treat the physical media any differently than as if you were paying for it on a website.

You're making this retarded. The question "Will it play used games even if I have to rebuy them?" is not the question anyone was asking. The question implies that things will work the same way they do today. Since he had to ask for the company line on this question it means things do not work the same way and we

I think they know the real question that was being asked and they are trying to get us used to the idea than no it will not play used games in the traditional sense that the question was asked for. They also know if they don't let on and just answer "Yes" the fallout from that when the truth was discovered would be

This is so cute.

I can only imagine you are very young and trusting.

One time for the cheap seats:

People are not asking "Can I use a used disc to play". That is what Sony answered. People want to know "Will it cost money in addition to what I spent to acquire the used game to play it."