
""Aaaah," was Yoshida's initial answer, but seemingly only because he'd forgotten his line. "So what was our official answer to our internal question?" he asked his Japanese PR advisor. The advisor stepped in but didn't seem to answer clearly, at least to my ears. Yoshida then took control again firmly:

He was dodging the subject, he had to ask "What is our official statement for this question". It means it doesn't work the same way it has in the past, there is a wrinkle.

Its not a simple answer because it doesn't answer the simple question. A question which is, "Can I play a used game on the PS4 without additional costs besides those required to acquire the game?"

You are not reading enough into the question. The way it was answered implies only that I can take a used disc insert it into my machine and play a game. It specifically doesn't ask if it will cost additional funds to do that , and I think its likely.

I think the real time combat worked well enough within the game, but I agree that I would rather have turn based combat.

Ok, so i guess the only difference is if you dont want to deal with sli then you can pay the same amount and get a slower card , without some of the funky hitches that come with SLI.

I'll never get the outrage over consoles not being BC. I only ever played 2 ps2 games on the PS3 and it was because I sold my PS2 and didnt get to play them at the time. It seems like a lot of outrage over nothing especially since it will probably support some kind of streaming to the major titles from the previous

Your Nintendo Fanboy blinds you.

You should not. Not if your primary use is gaming. This card is for its compute ability.

It was an observation by a console grognard that PC gamers liked, because its true. It is the best experience.

It's because the 690 has 2 GPUs while the Titan only has 1. Those extra transistors are all to do with compute power not GFX prowess.

Always the nay-sayers because they dont want to pay for/cannot afford a new console.

PS4 is on a boat.

I don't see how you could come to that conclusion.

I think that's a reasonable estimation and seems like a good gameplan for Sony to see if it works out for MS without committing, even though I'm sure the publishers would.

Oooh, I love the idea of a Hack PC. Except with the On-die GPU/CPU custom chip it might not be possible to run the games. Depends on how well the on-die GPU in Haswell is and if it can be utilized in the same way.

Really? Cause the only place i've ever seen any indication of that is in the one link yayamo posted. And even there it sounds like its not entirely truthful.

That sounds like a lot of dodging, I bet used games can be played on the PS4, if you buy another license.

Where has this been stated?

I wish everyone would stop stealing from the PC!