Guessing that any writer here also has forced far fewer female co-workers watch them jerk off under implied threat to careers.
Guessing that any writer here also has forced far fewer female co-workers watch them jerk off under implied threat to careers.
I know you are, but what am I?
Geeze, that’s almost as dated as the GI Jane joke!
Ah, but it would have been great television.
I think one white guy saying “I do not relate to this movie not about white guys” is not a good take. Then you either realize that 1. You are the wrong person to review this movie or 2. You are incapable of opening yourself up to the experiences of others who are different than you and please refer back to #1.
Just end it with tits on dragons. Give the people what they want.
The events that ended the show were not the problem for most viewers. It was the careless lack of setting things up, the lack of connective tissue to make the big story beats feel logical and earned. It felt like someone reciting Cliff’s Notes that they read the other day and remember about 75% of. guessed it...
No, you are living life correctly. Lots of “old” people turn into grouchy assholes because society teaches them that “fun” is for children. you keep having fun in whatever ways you want.
I grew up in Madison, birthplace of The Onion, so it was always readily available around town in the 1990s. Taking the print copy to lunch every week through out college was my routine, and the AV Club eventually became the main attraction. I started reading the online version in the mid-2000s when I moved and the…
I mean... sadly, I don’t think all of the art I find interesting is made by non-cunts, ya know? I’m just relieved the guys in They Might Be Giants seem like good people.
Well, the important thing is you showed up to offer an Internet Comment.
“Bone broth.” Aka beef stock before its rebranding for dolts.
Well, despite agreeing in theory with all of Jesse’s criticisms, this movie isn’t as bad as I thought and actually works nicely in fits and starts. But I do have huge issues with the staggering amounts of fan service, the deeply manipulative sentimental ending and so many of the other unimaginative shortcuts/callbacks.
You really should consider growing up. It’s fun being an adult!
I grew up with these movies too, and I hate them for being nostalgic bullshit as much as anyone from another generations. The Force Awakens wasn’t made for me, it was made for Disney. Why would I want a remake of Star Wars when I already have a perfectly good copy of the despecialized edition?
Oh I don’t mind Abrams on his first ‘reboot’ runs. TFA was fun all around for me and Star Trek 2009 was very entertaining. Its when he returns to it that he seems to start lacking. Into Darkness and Rise of Skywalker were really flawed and seemed more like someone going through the motions.
The ghost is not going to blow you.