
You’re probably right. And I love Margot Robbie. But it makes me feel like Nancy Kerrigan gets a shrug and people forget she was a victim of a violent attack

As 38 year old who remembers when this scandal broke she was slut shamed to even greater degree and he was treated like a hero. If anything she was treated worse than other women because people people felt like because she posed in Playboy she wasn’t allowed to be upset. Kinda like you are.

nobody deserves to have their privacy invaded like that. Pamela can consent to what she wants, but the very nature of this sex tape is about removing the consent and then placing blame on her like you seem to be doing lol. So you’re kind of proving the very point that yes, she is held to a more unfair standard here,

“The flowers are STILL STANDING.”

The scene that really represented every 7 year-old’s secret fantasy? The Ballroom scene. What kid wouldn’t love to trash a fancy establishment like that without facing any consequences? Add in the proton packs, and it just ups the ante even further.

You see, there was this thing called Covid recently that shut down the theaters, so some movies started releasing on the internet first, and then sometimes they would come out in theaters *and* online at the same time. (sorry for being a dick)

I mean, since Hamilton he’s been primary composer for Moana (huge hit, significant musical evolution from In the Heights/Hamilton) and this. He’s ubiquitous, sure, but composing for two movies in 7-8 years is hardly oversaturation.

Other that he’s just otherwise focused on a broader range of acting/directing/whatever

Also Quaker Oats.

I don’t know. Slytherin’s are almost universally portrayed as wizards who become Death Eaters and their founder was a dude who hated anyone who wasn’t pure-blooded to the point where he created a chamber that housed a monstrous snake whose sole purpose was to purge the school of Muggle-borns.

For whatever reason Willow ended up being a pivotal movie for me, right age right time I guess. I was like 7 years old and saw the movie in the theater, which sounds insane given it starts with a new mother being murdered and then a wet nurse being eaten alive by demon dogs. But I love the shit out of Willow, perhaps

This was a fun read! I was an adult (soon with children) when the books came out, so despite reading almost exclusively fantasy and science fiction, I didn’t get into them until a number of years after they became such a phenomena. I...liked them okay? Like, they were fine. I reread them at one point and discovered

I’m a Gen-Xer who read the books as an adult and has been re-experiencing them with my kiddo. I dig them, but also, meh. But I was talking to a really smart, literate millennial dude a couple years ago, and the deep, emotional way he spoke about that scene between Neville and his grandmother in the hospital really

Namely, the entirety of the game can be rendered null and void by one person who has nothing to do with any of it, and instead just chases a flying gold ball, completely independent of everything else happening.”

Clue is a masterpiece.

Take it back... Clue is not a bad movie... I will Fight you... 

Mr. Stockwell was such an entertaining performer, and made everything he was in better. What a great career.

I liked him as Wilbur Whateley in The Dunwich Horror. Anybody who can get Yog-Sothoth to knock up Sandra Dee is okay in my Necronomicon.

14/13 J.K. Rowling’s Twitter feed

Oh, boy.

Who’da thunk there’d be a direct link between the Bartles&Jaymes’ of the mid-80's and my love of flavored alcohol today?! Those ad folks somehow knew that old white farmers would be the perfect spokesmen to speak to my urban teen rebellious spirit. Now I find myself middle-aged and really unable to drink any alcohol