
Just not seeing it man. I think the public has been eating up fantasy for years and years.  Hell I’d argue Star Wars is much more fantasy then it is sci-fi. 

Really? The entire thrust of the “D&D suck” argument centers around the idea that they never knew what they were doing and that, as this article states, “dumb luck” and the (often unnamed, ephemeral) people around them were the reason people liked it. I might have been imprecise in my wording, but people are absolutely

Yes, but it also plays into his “most attacked president in history” narrative and by Wednesday, he’ll be saying it was just a small group Democratic representatives and he heard they had paid some people off to boo him. Probably illegal immigrants taking those booing jobs away from real Americans who love him, but

Nobody will ever see this, but Daughn Gibson’s ‘Phantom Rider’ or Yeasayer’s ‘Reagan’s Skeleton’.

He also wrote the novel The 25th hour which he adapted into a screenplay that was made into an excellent film by Spike Lee. The man did some quality work pre-GOT, he just didn’t have TV experience. This article seems to be at least a little misleading.

You still have to translate them to visual medium and edit out all the dumb bits about soup or whatever tangent GRRM wrote. They did a brilliant job streamlining the three tomes the first four seasons were based on. The show starts going downhill when they adapt book four and five which suck.

Also the person tweeting who said “Dan didn’t see the value of other people’s reactions” is a dumb way to interpret anything they said. No writer and very few TV shows listen to what fans are saying and change course. They tell the story they want to tell how they want to tell it. Studios might give notes, but shows

I agree. They ran the show the entire way. They earned the accolades as well as the criticisms. It’s totally understandable why fans were/are fuming. This show ran for almost a decade. That’s a long time to wait for the show not to stick the landing at the end. Especially as there is a very strong possibility this

Well, we’re just a bunch of resentful little shits, aren’t we? Pretending the show was never good for the sake of outrage is the epitome of cutting off the nose to spite the face. Things you love don’t disappear because of context.

I get that it’s popular to call them the worst, but let’s be real -- their approach whether you love it or hate it is why the show got made. Similarly, you might hate what they did in the end (and until/unless the books are finished we won’t know “whose” idea it was), but they also wrote and made the episodes people

The Knife - We Share Our Mother’s Health

That’s The Hallmark Channel’s entire business plan in a nutshell!

Warm Bodies works well enough when it’s telling the small-scale stories of R and Julie’s romance or R’s sweet friendship with fellow zombie M (Rob Corddry

I think she has a point though. I don’t know anything at all about Charles Rocket beyond that one SNL story. I know a a whole bunch of her work now and yet here she is being asked this same damn thing. And that’s the point- the article itself acknowledges her body of work yet it’s still about this stupid boring thing.

LOL too late, fuckers. The baseball gods are displeased and I hope you’re unceremoniously dispatched by the Nats ASAP. 

Dawson is amazing in it.  It probably helps that he was playing a twisted version of his normal on air host persona.

I thoroughly enjoy it’s schlockiness. I’m surprised Richard Dawson was willing to play himself, given you can obviously tell he isn’t really acting, and just showing you what it’s really like (minus the murder, probably).