

Most Successful: The Running Man.

I just watched the Running Man again for the first time in years. It may not be a faithful adaptation of the book, but damn if it isn’t goofy fun and Richard Dawson alone makes it worth your time. Also noteworthy to me: I noticed almost all of the studio audience were old people, making me wonder if it was some sort

It’s cheesy as hell, but it’s message about the dangers of bread and circuses comes through loud and clear and when you think about how jingoistic most action schlock was during that era, it’s willingness to be 1984 with Arnold Schwarzenegger looks almost courageous, especially by comparison to the Has Fallen movies.

Ah, but REAL Beatlemania lives on! (I’m wearing a Clash t-shirt at the moment, by the way.)

Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust

I love Running Man’s cheesiness . So many great quotes.

That’s what is scary here. Derry itself is bad. Pennywise lived under it for so long his evil sort of crept into the very land that town sits on. Clown aren’t scary but a town infected by the evil of an alien menace to the point where they literally either can’t or won’t see bad things is... terrifying. And oddly

Personally I don’t find clowns all that scary. Not having seen either part of this adaptation I can’t say for sure but I can guess that I’d hardly find that to be the scary part.

Every team that loses a Super Bowl to the Patriots should be relegated to Canadian football until there are no NFL teams left except the Patriots and we can finally destroy the NFL for good. God damn these losers straight to hell.

Bite my bag. Met some lady at Bingo. Turned into a pretty nice fuckeree.


Now playing

If there’s a pit in Indiana, we all know who to call.

To be fair, none of it is. Country music died when Hee Haw was cancelled the first time.

For any Al-fan who hasn’t heard, former AV Club writer Nathan Rabin is hard at work on the book version of his The Weird Accordion to Al article series, in which he wrote about every song in Al’s library.

“the town also recently renamed “an unmarked dirt roadway” near the ball “Weird Alley,” which is just delightful”

Someone worked hard to make that happen and I’m proud of them. 

Eh, that timeframe was probably peak Kilmer, what with Tombstone, Batman, and Heat hitting in the same span of time. I can see where there might’ve been a bit of “hot shit” mentality going on.

Honestly, do you really need any other reason?

It’s because uh... Las Vegas is in the desert, and sand is like dust, and uh Ruth is feeling frozen in time like the Pompeiians and uh...