
But their precious unassailable morals! Surely they must be needlessly defended again to anyone who will listen!

I don’t read lips well but Tito asked Bauer, “what the fuc* is wrong with you?”

I was thinking this too. A few years back it was hard sodas. Before that Smirnoff Ice and all its imitators.

The KY Generation. The only ones who can clean up the mess of the tightass Boomers. 

I miss the days when pop culture was a regular rotation of stuff like Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Tori Amos, PJ Harvey, The B-52s, Tool, The Violent Femmes, etc. on pop radio rotations. Take or leave whoever you care to, but early 90s pop radio went from Def Leopard and Whitney Houston type stuff to that. It was a bunch

Because at the time he wrote Watchmen, pretty much all comic work was work for hire. He had a clause in the contract that after DC stopped publishing Watchmen the rights would revert to him and Dave Gibbons, which would have been huge: a mainstream comic company allowing the creators to have complete control over

Get the fuck outta here with your ‘research’ and ‘journalistic standards’ you piece of crap. This is the AV Club. What we like around here is hearsay and uninformed opinion.

I always find WYTS to be a little depressing — so much incompetence, and so many shitty people as fans. Even when we get to the good teams, it’s a tough read at times.

Breaking news: All your heroes are assholes and creative artistic types 10x... Ones born several generations before you, 10x that as well. Also just in, water is wet (although I dig the whole since water cannot be dry it cannot be wet as well dictionary debate I saw recently).

sweats profusely

I’m fairly certain the movie I’ve watched the most on TV is the last 45 minutes of Back to the Future.

Reading this article made me think about all the classic or cult movies I only ended up watching because I landed on it while channel surfing. I distinctly remember catching pretty famous movies like White Men Can’t Jump, The Breakfast Club, First Blood, Airplane!, and because I spent years landing on Back to the

Shawshank? I’m pretty sure TNT showed that film on loop from the late 90s until the mid 00s

Manfred is half right that it’s not the MLB’s fault. Trout and Harper do commercials (Harper was on that annoyingly prevalent T Mobile ad), it’s not like baseball doesn’t market. He’s wrong that the real fault is the players, the truth is that it’s just not as popular of a game.

I was more bugged that the Russian coverup was so weak. Why bother smuggling Russian uniforms and weapons into the US? Why not just buy what you need at K Mart? Why have thugs with assault rifles guarding the innocuous looking loading dock?

You really don’t understand Joyce’s reasons for moving away?

That checks out.

This. Stranger Things is, at its heart, actually a 1980s movie, so in that context, if you put yourself in a Reaganesque 1985 mindset, then a fear of the Ruskies infiltrating America like this is totally plausible. In 1985, we didn’t know about Chernobyl, the Berlin Wall, or how terrible New Coke actually was. Sure,

THEY CAME TOGETHER is another fairly successful romcom genre parody, but with a zany, almost Zucker-ish tone, where the Baxter is more sincere and grounded. Both brought to you by The State/Wet Hot American Summer alums.

This is a sad comedown for the genre. I remember when brain damage was a solution for Harrison Ford’s ethical and moral failings, not to mention bad parenting and worse lawyering, instead of just self-esteem problems.