
Soccer is a bunch of twigs who cry foul at any touch of human contact Sue Me 


Fred Gwynne was pitch PERFECT in the original, wasn’t he?!  I’m not sure there was another way for Lithgow to go with that line reading.  It’s so iconic.

Now playing

This will never be as good as the original, if only because there are no Ramones left to do another version of the theme song:

I usually can tell what men are thinking if I post something online that is mildly progressive or feminist and the fragile masculinity comments I get blasted with and the name calling are very clear.

The walking dead were really us all along!

And he flipped the top off the burger... proceeded to pour the ketchup on the side, and then put the top bun back on - having not added anything to the actual burger.

You can’t say “god damn” on the air.

they have had absolutely zero influence on the history or direction of music

I was too busy trying to figure out why Adam Levine decided “Chipotle bag” was the theme for his body tattoos.

Would you like some mythology, Mr. Tully?

I LOVE “The Wolverine”. It has that “Logan is brought low due to complications with his honor and love life” element that really brings out the ronin/gunslinger aspect of his character. It has a non-annoying kid sidekick, a key element in some of his best material (whether it be Kitty, X-23, Armor, or Jubilee). It has

So the only modern superhero movie you have seen is Wonder Woman?

You’ve pretty much described the post-40 career trajectory of most actresses.

“I swear that statue was just looking the other way!”

It’s a smart commentary on the way that people—but especially attractive white men—are able to take advantage of positions of authority as outlets for their dark natures.

I thought this episode hit on the concept of family in a couple of interesting ways. First there’s was something utterly fitting, and humanizing, in Hugh’s distain towards Janet as he obviously bitter towards her for actually having raised the children and that they seemed to consider her their true parent. It was

I think that the finale hit the way it did because of the way all the preceding episodes delivered on maintaining the bleak horror of the premise. The final episode...didn’t do that. I don’t begrudge the kids the narrow escape at the end, but the nice clean beautiful Red Room with the Homes & Garden lighting jarred me

I love how the cop asks if the “rumors” about the house are true when he’s there to inspect the corpse of a guy who entombed himself.