It’s kind of happened already. A lot of the deathcore and djent bands of 2010-2015 have re-appropriated a lot of the downtuned and groove-based stylings of nu-metal, just made them more “extreme” or “technical”.
It’s kind of happened already. A lot of the deathcore and djent bands of 2010-2015 have re-appropriated a lot of the downtuned and groove-based stylings of nu-metal, just made them more “extreme” or “technical”.
*Looks through comments*
Right?! The classic AV Club writers, who made MacGruber a Movie of the Week over at The Dissolve, would not have messed this up. Sad! :(
I always thought he was exaggerating, at least a little bit.
On the cusp of its fifth decade, the “Comic books aren’t just for kids anymore!” campaign enters its “You can tell this is prestigious because it has a dick in it” phase.
Back off, man. He’s a scientist.
I’ve headcanoned it as being because the cops bring wackos like Luis Tully by the Firehouse so presumably that is a regular thing to them and so they would carry a range psychotropic drugs incase of emergencies.
There was that sex scene in McGruber between him and his dead wife played by Maya Rudolph.
I’m gonna shoot!! I’m gonna shoot!!
MacGruber was the second thing I thought of after Ghostbusters.
I came here to post the same thing, but you beat me to it. Great scene.
He could do highlights of the last few halftime shows.... polka style!
Let’s split the difference and finally do what should have been long ago, and book Weird Al for the halftime show.
“Hey guys don’t fuck up or we’ll trade you to the class of the league where you are assured a playoff winning season and the chance to play for a Superbowl”
Lesson for kids here:
This dude I work with is named Leonardo, and every time I hear his name I hear it twice, Leonardo, Leonardo. I have the collection on DVD though, always a classic.
Clerks is actually my favourite thing he did.
The internet was a mistake.