
You got this one for three and a half years.

That’s decades in comic book time. Or a month or two, depending on your perspective.

Yes, that’s all we do in the mid-west. Veggies and ranch dressing. Yup, you hit the nail on the head. In fact your observation has become the most important discovery in the history of not just the world but the entirety of mankind ever. Thank you for finally pointing it out.

We call that the old “sesame steamer”.

Maybe this a regional thing, but I don’t think of Toys R Us as mall based. Growing up, there were always freestanding stores or part of a larger shopping center. I think of KB Toys as the toy store that was mall based.

Pretty straightforward... hundreds of thousands (likely millions) of teenagers are speaking... and they are telling legislators to stop caving to the gun lobby, protect kids by passing stronger gun control laws. How are you missing this, do you not have eyes? Or are you just being willfully ignorant(trolling)?

It’s funny.....all the adults who for years have shit upon Millenials (now adults) and other kids....complaining they’re lazy, selfish, absorbed in their phones, have no direction, don’t vote, don’t care about issues etc etc.

I have a funny story about that one. Not long before the start of senior year of high school, a bunch of us went to go see it. The theater was like a ghost town, empty parking lot, no one inside, etc. We went up to the booth and the ticket seller wanted IDs from everyone. A bunch of us were under 17, so we said never

Oh no, now the Browns will be bad.

I dont care how shit your movie is. Badly made, badly acted, badly shot - all of these sins can be forgiven if the end result is entertaining. I’ll never claim that House of the Dead or Plan 9 are good movies, but they are entertaining as hell.

These days, baseline human decency can feel like a huge relief.

Best damn surgeon in Korea! Had a bit of an attitude, didn’t like authority much, but I seen him once repair a boy’s entire lymphatic system in the freezing cold with artillery raining all around the camp! I think he was drunk at the time.

Standard time makes no damn sense. Nobody wakes up with the sun anymore, except for that one guy on the Judge John Hodgman podcast, and even he gave it up. Put that daylight where it belongs, at the end of the day!

My library doesn’t have it either, what the cuss. It’s got twenty copies of The goddam Pagemaster, why???

I was around 10 when it came out, and I was totally on board just because the helmet looked cool. Then I saw it and was totally obsessed for months. My mom even hand-painted a Rocketeer t-shirt for me because I guess Disney really dropped the ball on the merch side of things too. I haven’t seen it in a long time, but

it seemed that every comic in 91 had that gorgeous art-deco poster on the back cover.

I think Johnston’s Captain America is kind of a forgotten part of the MCU: it definitely relies a bit too much on montages, and it feels a little obligatory - we have to get Rogers in the ice to set up The Avengers, etc.

My head says the Nolan films are better, but my heart will always go to Burton’s fun, stylish, fantastical, larger-than-life, and often very funny and occasionally quite affecting Batman movies.

There’s a chance you missed my very cleverly placed double entendre.

I’d suggest you’re reading into it too much, but when she faces her doppelgänger in the mirror world, there’s a distinct edge of teasing-coquette there.

jonze is very good, and this video is lots of fun, but the innovation of it is kind of a jamiroquai/intersteller mashup.