
One of my nitpicks with Canto Bight is that Finn and Rose illegally parked their ship. Joseph Gordon-Levitt as an alien says “There’s the people who illegally parked that ship.” and then the Canto Bight guards taze Finn and Rose and chuck them in jail. Seems a bit much punishment for a misdemeanor.


fair point

I think they wanted to avoid the name of the franchise that has the worst MLB record in history when the owners’ shenanigans brought them to a dismal 20-134 Win-Loss record, and a record 101 road losses. Sure that was in 1899, but the taint of such failure still remains on this thin-skinned town.

Yes to both. I also think that the badness of TROS ruined the otherwise passable sequel trilogy.  It made the whole thing pointless. Rogue One is at least self-contained and mostly entertaining despite it’s flaws. And I always feel like I am in the minority in this, but I hated and still pretty much hate the Vader

So after rewatching the Disney Star Wars movies shortly after TROS, I have to reluctantly admit that Rogue One is probably my favorite. Followed by Solo. It has it’s issues, the unwritten characters don’t really work, and as Mr. Breihan says they make some inexplicable decisions. But, that final battle is just

I watched this plenty of times back in the day when it was on HBO. I liked it well enough but it is lost in the fog of memory. Even the synopsis here only vaguely brings anything back.

I have a feeling drugs or no drugs David Lee Roth doesn’t know how to STFU.

Too bad there weren’t any vocals what with all the marbles in his mouth.

Wait for the probably release on the Switch Pro.

In High School I was measured at 6' Tall and I believed that for a long time. Then many years later I was measured at 5'11" and my world was shattered. I’m not sure if I was just measured inaccurately in High School (probably) or that life has ground me down an inch (also plausible)

I agree with your Catching Fire critique. Even when reading the books I thought to myself that it was just Hunger Games redux, and I wondered why was I reading the same thing again. Pretty much soured me on the third book which I know I read but didn’t really care for.

I liked the movie in 2005. I own the movie on DVD, but I’m not sure if I ever actually watched it besides in the theater in 2005. Christ that was a long time ago.

Preaching to the choir here. Temple of Doom was my favorite movie growing up. I know Raiders is a perfect film and is better, but Temple holds a special place in my heart. It never dawned on me that people could like it significantly less than the others, or that there are those who outright hate it. But the internet

I get it, they made the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles after all. And River Phoenix was fine as a young Indy, even with the seriously anachronistic skater haircut. The problem was, we got every Indiana Jones signifier (hat, whip, scar, snake fear, etc.) in one afternoon’s adventure. Basically it was just like Solo: A

Fuck! and Yeah! The “We are going to die!” face is the greatest face that Harrison Ford has ever made.

“Zantar is a gelatinous cube that eats warriors in a medieval village. And every time it eats a chieftain, you ascend to a higher level. the beauty part is, you can’t get to the next level, so the kids keep coughing up quarters.”

For awhile there hit output was getting more bad than good and I was hoping I could finally let him go, but then I really liked his album last year “I am Not a Dog on a Chain” and, lord forgive me, I went right back into his arms.

And now that it has been out for awhile I find that I am listening to it over and over. EVen “Blue Dream” which repurposes the “Crazy train” riff I find quite enjoyable (I initially thought it was a misstep) It is severely front loaded, but at 31 minutes that doesn’t really matter.

Thanks for answering, it’s been awhile since I saw 2 but I really like it. I don’t recall any “excruciating comedy bits” I also don’t recall it being cheap looking but it was also released 17 years ago so it might not hold up in that department either. I do recall the original one looking a bit cheap, especially